Announcing the Microsoft Australia Partner Awards (MAPA) 2016

Day in, day out, I have the privilege of watching Microsoft partners make an incredible difference to businesses and communities across Australia.

There are so many positive stories to tell – from the way that a partner applies cloud services to help students access education services, to the entrepreneurial spirit shown by another partner to achieve remarkable business growth. Our partners’ ongoing innovations will never cease to astound and delight me.

It’s now time to tell these stories. As a Microsoft partner, you deserve recognition for the transformative solutions that you’ve created for customers using Microsoft technologies.

With that in mind, it’s time to prepare your entry for the 2016 Microsoft Australia Partner Awards (MAPA).

So soon?

While entries for the 2016 MAPAs don’t open until April, you should start thinking about your entry now. All Microsoft partners should have the opportunity to be recognised, and we want to hear all your stories so we can share them with the Australian Partner Community. Don’t be shy!

Remember, a great submission takes time. You need to put a lot of thought into how your submission will stand out from the 100s we receive. Read our submission guidelines so you are completely clear on what’s required.

When you start your submission, prepare a project timeline, get the right people on board, and make it something your entire business can be proud of.

Why enter?

The 2016 MAPAs will be hosted at the Australian Partner Conference (APC), and will showcase the remarkable work of Microsoft partners from the past 12 months.

Being a MAPA winner is a great string to add to your business bow. It clearly validates your position as a market leader and strengthens your reputation as a Microsoft partner.

Furthermore, Microsoft celebrates all MAPA winners through media and marketing, which can open the door to new customers and business opportunities.

With the incredible APC 2015 still fresh in my mind, I’m already counting down the days until next year’s conference on the Gold Coast from September 4. I can’t wait to see what the MAPAs will bring next year, and look forward to seeing you there.

You can pre-register for APC 2016 now.

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