Understanding DFSR debug logging (part 13: A New Replication Group and Replicated Folder between two Windows Server 2008 members)

In this scenario we will see a new Replication Group and Replicated Folder created. The upstream replicated folder will contain a few files that do not yet exist on the downstream member. This is useful to understand as one of the most common troubleshooting areas in DFSR is the actual configuration and initial synchronization phase.


(newrgrfprimary - Dfsr00020 - 2008.log and newrgrfnonauth - Dfsr00017 - 2008.log)


These are two Windows Server 2008 servers called 2008MEM01 and 2008MEM02 in the fabrikam.com domain. The logs are from 2008MEM01 (which is the Primary, aka authoritative, member) and from 2008MEM02 (which is the non-authoritative member). Both servers are participating in the NEWRG1 replication group for the NEWRF1 replicated folder.


This log has a significant portion of data removed for readability – review previous sections for configuration and large file add.


<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 RSMG 142 ReplicaSetManager::Initialize Initialize replication group rgName:NewRG1 ß The replica set manager is initializing the replication group on the downstream partner. Because each member of an RG must find out about the topology from the DC it is bound to, and because each member checks on its own schedule, all members will find out at different times.

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 RSMG 908 ReplicaSetManager::AddInConnection Creating new inbound connection connId:{FFC8C463-846D-4C16-8B37-19978C20FF8B} rgName:NewRG1

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 RSMG 1273 ReplicaSetManager::AddOrUpdateConnection New or updated outbound connection object. connId:{AF7B6836-D323-4A01-9448-09680B9ACAF5} rgName:NewRG1 ß inbound and outbound connections are made.

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CCTX 2401 ConfigContext::ApplyDiff Updating volume in ConfigContext, volumePath:\.C:

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 FREP 450 FrsReplicator::UpdateVolume Update Volume:3EA8BD01-416E-11DD-A317-806E6F6E6963

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 VLMG 2327 VolumeManager::AddContentSet Initializing contentSet. csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 ß the new replicated folder is initialized

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CSMG 546 ContentSetManager::ContentSetManager csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 ptr:00CC3AA0

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CCTX 3237 ConfigContext::DumpReplicaConfig Dumping Replica global config context ß entries below must be evaluated from LDAP lookups and written into the XML config files. These are highlighted for reading but are largely self-explanatory:

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 2476 Config::ParamBlock::Print [[ DfsrReplicatedFolder ]]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 1050 Config::GuidParam::Print ReplicatedFolderGuid: 05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print ReplicatedFolderDn: CN=NewRF1,CN=Content,CN=NewRG1,CN=DFSR-GlobalSettings,CN=System,DC=fabrikam,DC=com [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print ReplicatedFolderName: NewRF1 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 1050 Config::GuidParam::Print ReplicationGroupGuid: 33DACEEE-D60C-4BF1-911C-EA5C487A78CB [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 1050 Config::GuidParam::Print MemberGuid: 0C33B8DA-F55A-4F85-BA95-CCD84C4E7F59 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 911 Config::PathParam::Print RootPath: c:newrf1 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 204 Config::DWordParam::Print RootSizeInMb: 10240 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 911 Config::PathParam::Print StagingPath: c:newrf1DfsrPrivateStaging [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 204 Config::DWordParam::Print StagingSizeInMb: 4096 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 911 Config::PathParam::Print ConflictPath: c:newrf1DfsrPrivateConflictAndDeleted [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 204 Config::DWordParam::Print ConflictSizeInMb: 660 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print FileFilter: ~*, *.bak, *.tmp [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print DirectoryFilter: [Flags:0x0]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print Ghosted: FALSE [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print CacheObeyConnectionSchedule: FALSE [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 204 Config::DWordParam::Print MinAgeInCacheInMin: 0 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 204 Config::DWordParam::Print MaxAgeInCacheInMin: 0 [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print Enabled: TRUE [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print IsPrimary: FALSE [Flags:0x1] ß this server is not authoritative for this replica set

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print ReadOnly: FALSE [Flags:0x0]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print DisableSaveDeletes: FALSE [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print DisableReanimateDeletes: FALSE [Flags:0x1]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 390 Config::BoolParam::Print SharedStaging: FALSE [Flags:0x0]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print CompressedExtensions: WMA,WMV,ZIP,JPG,MPG,MPEG,M1V,MP2,MP3,MPA,CAB,WAV,SND,AU,ASF,WM,AVI,Z,GZ,TGZ,FRX [Flags:0x0]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 300 CPAR 556 Config::StringParam::Print Description: <null> [Flags:0x0]

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 2764 CSMG 1757 ContentSetManager::Run csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 state:Normal ß content set manager not triggers the RF to be created

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 2764 CSMG 1779 ContentSetManager::Run Scheduling restart now csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 ptr:00CC3AA0

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 2764 CSMG 1757 ContentSetManager::Run csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 state:Normal

<Downstream> 20080627 11:48:55.634 2764 CSMG 837 ContentSetManager::Initialize csId:{05631532-B65C-45AF-BB49-F237ACB6CF7C} csName:NewRF1 ptr:00CC3AA0 ß


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