Launch “clean” Internet Explorer 7 in Windows XP or in Windows Server 2003
When Internet Explorer 7 includes an add-on, Internet Explorer may exit immediately. This problem may occur if an add-on conflicts with Internet Explorer.
To resolve this issue, start Internet Explorer with add-ons disabled. To do this, click Start, click Programs, point to Accessories , point to System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
If you start Internet Explorer with add-ons disabled, you may find that this resolves the issue. Then, you can locate and disable the add-on that conflicts with Internet Explorer. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, point to Manage Add-ons, and then click Enable or Disable Add-ons.
3. In the Manage Add-ons dialog box, click an add-on.
4. Under Settings, click Enable, and then click OK.
5. Restart Internet Explorer.
If the problem occurs, the add-on that you recently enabled conflicts with Internet Explorer.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until you locate the add-on that conflicts with Internet Explorer.
Then, disable the add-on.
May 23, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 07, 2008
in tools menu of internet explorer Manage Add-ons is disabled. Evry thing a read to fix it says go to tools menue Click Manage Add-ons and ... But Mange Add-ons is completely disabled and I can not click on otAnonymous
February 19, 2008
same with me, Manage Add-ons option disabled, Please if someone knows how to fix this, write back to ... can not MANAGE the add-ons. ThanksAnonymous
December 31, 2008
Read below:
December 17, 2012
Hi, I cannot find an Internet Explorer update for my Windows XP computer. I don't understand why I should have to switch to Google Chrome to get an updated browser. I don't intend to update my operating system, because the one I have suits me. Please explain why you are not issuing an update for Microsoft Internet Explorer that is compatible with Windows XP.