异步编程,在Unity中使用Coroutine 与TAP

[English Version] 背景


几个星期前,Unity 发布了新版本2017.1。在这个版本中,社区翘首以盼的TAP 与 async await支持终于随着.net 4.6兼容以beta feature的方式与用户正式见面了。


这并不是偶然,随着微软HoloLens 与Windows MR平台战略布局逐渐成熟,大量Unity开发者开始研究如何与UWP API进行交互以获得需要的底层支持。而作为逻辑脚本引擎,过去的Unity(5-) 只提供了有限的.net 2.0-4.x, c# 4以下的兼容,在访问全面异步化的 UWP API时仍需要进行大量的适配工作。如果不熟悉TAP和UWP底层的实现,开发者很难正确的进行封装,转化为Unity 已有的 Update Check/Coroutine 模式,开发过程事倍功半。从另一个方向,一些有经验的UWP开发者也对XR 这片新大陆跃跃欲试,但苦于async await /TAP 没有实装,难以理解Unity3D的Corotine异步模型而走不少弯路(我就是其中挣扎过的一员)。


现在,随着尝试抹平一切平台差异的 .net standard 类库的不断成熟,加上Unity与微软,以及社区极客们的不断努力,我们终于能够在Unity 同时使用 Coroutine 和TAP,让Unity开发与UWP开发两支队伍胜利会师,真是做梦也会笑醒。


在欢庆的同时,我们还是要意识到,这带来了新的挑战。 我们更新功能并不是要所有人推倒一切重新开始,无论你是有Unity经验,已经有项目需要porting到 UWP平台的游戏大师,还是想将你的2D Xaml应用升级到 Windows MR 平台的Unity新手,或者你是完全的新新人类,想要通过大量的Unity与UWP的例子找到属于自己的App技术可行性,你都会遇到这样的问题:怎么样正确的让 Unity 的 Coroutine 和 .Net 的 TAP 正确的交互。






o Windows 10 Creator Update 15063

o Unity 2017.1

o Visual Studio 2017.2


由于大部分Demo代码仅在Unity Editor 的 Console 打印结果,您可以在仅有 Unity 2017.1 的开发机上进行演练。


示例工程需要配置您的Unity工程以便启动 .net 4.6 和async 支持。 如果您对此不太熟悉,建议您遵照下面的步骤设置你的全新工程。


1. 启动Unity

2. 点击"New" 图标,输入工程名 "AsyncExample"

计算机生成了可选文字: unity 20170 ℃ f 彐 Projects Learn Project name* AsyncExample Location* D:\HoloLabs Organization* waynebaby + NEW 1 OPEN MY ACCOUNT . 3D 〔 〕 2D Add Asset Package . Enable unity Analytics ( 2 》 C 引 'C 乸 Create proJect

3. 点击"Create Project" 按钮

4. 在菜单点击 "File->Build Settings"

计算机生成了可选文字: unity 20170 ℃ f 彐 〔 545 - Untitled - AsyncExample PC, Mac & Linux Standalone < OXI 1 > File Edit Assets GameObJect Component Window Help New Scene Open Scene Save Scenes Save Scene as … New Projectm Open Projectm Save Project Build Settingsm Build & Run Ctrl+N Ctrl+O *Scene Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+B 《 G m e Asset Store

5. 点击下方的 "Player Settings"

这时候你的 "Inspector" 会有若干属性选项卡。 展开其中的"Other Settings"选项卡 计算机生成了可选文字: 0 Inspector PlayerSettings Company N m e p rO d 凵 Ct N m e Default I CO n Default C 凵 rS 0 r C 凵 rs 0 r Hotspot DefaultCompany AsyncExample Settings for PC, M C & Li n 凵 X Sta n d 引 0 n e Re 、 0 《 uti 0 n a n d P re 、 e ntati 0 n Splash Image Other Settings Rendering C 引 0 r Space* Auto Graphics API for 喜 in 《 寻 Auto Graphics API for MacV Auto Graphics API for Static Batching Dynamic Batching G P 凵 Skinning Graphics ] 0 b S (Experimentn Vi 《 t 凵 引 Reality Suppofted 0 M a ( App Store Options 巳 凵 n 引 e I d e ntifi e r 巳 凵 i 尾 Category com Company . p ro d 凵 CtN m e public.app-category m e S M C App Store Val i d ati 0 n 0 Configuration Scrlptlng R 凵 ntl m e Ve rSl 0 n Scripting 巳 Ck e n d Api Compatibility Le V 引 D i S b H 喜 Statistics* Scripting D efi n e Symbols* Asset La b e IS 。 国 ET 2.0 S u

6. 找到"Other Settings"选项卡下方的 "Configuration" 二级属性组,将其中的"Scripting Runtime Version*" 属性的值"Stable(.NET 3.5 Equivalent)" 修改为 "Experinmental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent)"

计算机生成了可选文字: Configuration SCI'lptlng R 凵 Intl m V 「 引 0 n Scripting 巳 Ck e n d Api Compatibility Le V 引 D i S b H 喜 Statistics* Scripting D efi n e Symbols* Acti V e Input Handling* Sta b 门 ET 3 E q u 吲@nth Stable (.NET 3 巧 Equivalent 〕 Experimental (.NET 4 乇 Equivalent

7. 这时Unity Editor会需要一次完全的重启,你会看到如下提示。

计算机生成了可选文字: Resta 戊 required 0 Changing scripbng runtime V 引 on requres 已 restart Of 巴 Editor to 什 匚 t Do you Wish to pro 上 巴 带 Restart

选择 “Restart”令Unity 重启。


计算机生成了可选文字: Configuration Scrlptlng R 凵 ntl m e Ve rSl 0 n Scripting 巳 Ck n d Api Compatibility Le V 引 D i S b H 喜 Statistics* Scripting D efi n e Symbols* 。 国 ET 4 石 E q u 。 国 ET 4 乇


至此,我们的Unity Editor 具有执行c# 6.0的能力,一些以前不能识别的类库和语法将可以在Editor Player得到测试与调试,而不需要用条件编译延迟到其他平台参与运行。

8. 在"Project" 窗口中的"Assets" 路径创建新的子文件夹 "Scripts" 并在其中创建一个新的cs脚本“AsyncExample.cs”

计算机生成了可选文字: Favorites Q All 卜 te 引 s 0 . All prefabs 《 aAll Models 《 All Scripts · 0 Assets 0 Scrtps As 0t5 . SC-rips 的 AsyncExample

9. 在“Hierarchy”创建一个新的空对象,起名为"ConsoleScripts"

计算机生成了可选文字: Untitled* Main C a m e 「 D e on 引 Light Con 不 0 Scnpt

10. 将刚才创建的cs脚本拖入"ConsoleScripts"

计算机生成了可选文字: 0 Inspector 寻 Console-scripts Tag untagged 丿 Transform p 0 S 《 乜 0 n Rot 乜 on S cal e . I. 2 3 3 9 7 2 丫 I. 7 21617 . 9 7 9194 @ Example (Script) 的 AsyncExample Add Component





记录日志输出的代码非常简单,它会帮我们格式化地向Unity Console输出信息。首先我们在脚本中加入下面的代码:

 using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class AsyncExample : MonoBehaviour 
    Stopwatch stopwatch;
    void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); 
    void LogToTUnityConsole(object content, string flag, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = null)
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"{callerName}:\t{flag} {content}\t at {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} \t in thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");

Stopwatch 对象可以帮助我们追踪日志调用的具体时间,当Unity场景进入运行状态时这个计时器就会启动,我们可以很清楚的看到某个线程在某个时间,在哪个函数中做了什么。


接下来,为了研究多个异步任务直接如何衔接与调用,我们往往需要预先设计一些任务。我们这里设计一种容易控制时长和输出序列的任务,倒数任务。 倒数: Coroutine版本 代码: CoroutineCountDown

     public IEnumerator CoroutineCountDown(int count, string flag = "")
        for (int i = count; i >=0 ; i--)
            LogToTUnityConsole(i, flag);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

如果你是一个Unity初学者,凭你的C#经验你可以看出这是一个返回枚举器的yield函数。 Unity 可以通过这个返回的IEnumerator 枚举出多个 YieldInstruction(WaitForSeconds的基类) 对象的序列,这些对象会被MonoBehavior基类中的调度器调用。在每个YieldInstruction操作异步完成后,根据内部的callback 回归Unity主线程,并且调用IEnumerator的MoveNext()方法,来进行下一个 YieldInstruction的获取。 运行: CoroutineCountDown


下面在Start 方法内加入下面的代码,我们可以试着在Editor运行游戏得到Console输出

     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        StartCoroutine(CoroutineCountDown(3, "BasicCoCall")); 

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 《 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 《 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 《 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 《 10 0 5 2 018 3 0 31 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1


可以观察到,在Unity 游戏主线程也就是Thread 1, 在间隔大约1秒的时候函数会进行倒数。




     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        StartCoroutine(CoroutineCountDown(3, "BasicCoCallA"));<br>        StartCoroutine(CoroutineCountDown(3, "BasicCoCallB")); 

当我们连续调用两次倒数脚本时 我们会看到两个任务会将自身切成若干切片,前后穿插在主线程执行。 计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntD 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object) 0 0 「 0 Lltln 0 0 凵 ntO 0 喜 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 巳 a S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 2 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 10 0 3 2 010 2 012 3 0 24 3 0 2 6 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1



如果两个或者多个Coroutine 需要衔接运行(包括其他流程控制,如if/switch/loop),在Unity中就需要一个额外的父Coroutine来进行调度。 我们可以创建如下代码

     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        StartCoroutine(CoroutineCountDownSeq(3, "BasicCoCallA", "BasicCoCallB")); 
     public IEnumerator CoroutineCountDownSeq(int countDown, params string[] flags)
        foreach (var flag in flags)
            yield return StartCoroutine(CoroutineCountDown(3, flag)); 



计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 引 e C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntD 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object) C 0 「 0 Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 喜 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 喜 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 喜 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 巳 a S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 2 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 IA 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 巳 S i CC 0 C 引 旧 2 011 3 0 2 0 4 0 31 5 041 6 0 5 2 7 0 6 3 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1


结合上面的并行运行代码,我们还可以组合成若干复杂的模式,比如Timer,Event Recognizer, Fork-Join等等。在这里我们不再一一举例。

倒数: TaskAsync版本 代码 :TaskAsyncCountDown

     public async Task TaskAsyncCountDown(int count, string flag = "")
        for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--)
            LogToTUnityConsole(i, flag);
            await Task.Delay(1000);

这个版本的代码和刚才Coroutine版本的代码非常相似,同样是CPS变换写法的await 关键字,其作用与 yield return 的作用一模一样。只不过这里新的实现把Unity 支持的.net 2.0 subset专用类库 UnityEngine.Coroutine 替换成了支持await 的System.Threading.Tasks.Task.


另外一种写法是async void函数

     public async void VoidAsyncCountDown(int count, string flag = "")
        for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--)
            LogToTUnityConsole(i, flag);
            await Task.Delay(1000);

在多个版本的文档和社区文章中,我们都曾提到。除了作为事件处理器这样的必需使用void函数的琴况下,这种没有返回Task无法进行外部调度编排的写法是强烈不建议使用的。 在这里作为反面例子提出,供大家参考。 运行: TaskAsyncCountDown



在我们不需要对这个异步任务做任何操作而仅仅是启动它时候,async 方法所返回的Task对象相对来说就没有什么意义,我们可以在Start 函数中直接调用 一个async函数。虽然这会在Visual Studio中用绿色波浪线警告,但这其实是合法的用法。 计算机生成了可选文字: Solution stopwatch = new System .Diagnostics .Stopwatch( ), stopwatch 。 Start() ; "8asicAs ncCaII" . ] TaskAs ncCountDown 彐 . (awaitable) Task AsyncExample•TaskAsyncCountDown(int 〔 0 凵 n 《 [string flag public I Usage : await TaskAsyncCountDown(m); Because this 〔 引 《 is not awaited execution Of the current method continues before the 〔 引 《 is completed. Consider applying the w 引 t 《 0 巳 儲 tor to the result Of the 〔 引 上 Show potential fixes (Alt+Enter or Ctrl+.)


     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        var _ = TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "BasicAsyncCall"); 

这时候的运行结果一如Coroutine 方式

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountDonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object) TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 10 31 2 0 5 7 3 0 6 6 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1



     public async Task TaskAsyncCountDown(int count, string flag = "")
        for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--)
            LogToTUnityConsole(i, flag);
            await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); 

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountDonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object) TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 10 2 2 2 0 2 5 3 0 2 6 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 9 5 i n th re d 94 i n th re d 9 5

这时await 将使用线程池调度器,不再将每个步骤强行回归到Unity主线程。 这样也许会提高一部分执行速度,但是对主线程的一些对象的操作(比如Texture读写)将会失败。这里建议将CPU密集的计算操作放到线程池中,以免阻塞画面的更新,这样能起到类似减少Update() 内的CPU操作同样的效果。



     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        var a = TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "BasicAsyncCallA");
        var b = TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "BasicAsyncCallB");

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountDonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object) TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCalla unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA 2 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCalla unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCalla unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCalla unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 10 2 9 10 31 2 0 3 9 2 04 0 3 04 9 3 0 5 0 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1


与Coroutine相似,async 方法也可以将多个任务首尾相接,通过线性代码首尾衔接:

    void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        var t = TaskAsyncCountDownSeq(3, "BasicAsyncCallA", "BasicAsyncCallB"); 
     public async Task TaskAsyncCountDownSeq(int countDown, params string[] flags)
        foreach (var flag in flags)
            await TaskAsyncCountDown(3, flag);

执行结果 计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountDonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object) TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA 2 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallA unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallB unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallB unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallB unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCallB unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 10 2 6 2 04 2 410 3 5134 614 9 716 5 i n th re a d 1 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1


如果你足够细心,你会发现在前面 ConfigureAwait(false) 的例子中,第一行Log 的运行Thread Id仍然是 1.

async 方法在运行时,在第一次await 前逻辑会在调用者的线程上执行。在极端情况下,如果异步函数入口处就有CPU密集或者长时间运行的同步IO操作,Unity的主线程仍然会被不当的占用。对此我们可以用如下的方式进行优化:

     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        var _ = Task.Run(()=>TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "BasicAsyncCall")); 

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountDonn BasicAsyncCall 10 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall 10 21 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall 2 0 2 3 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn BasicAsyncCall 3 0 24 unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 i n th re a d 111 i n th d 114 i n th re d 111 i n th d 114

此时的函数入口就被线程池编排器调用。由于线程池中的线程并没有同步上下文,其后的所有调用都会随机使用线程池中的可用线程,就算您强制设置了.ConfigureAwait(true); 也无济于事 。请注意这种调用可能造成的影响:你会失去回到主线程上下文的能力。





a. 计算n! (n=150)

b. 等待1秒

c. 输出结果



     public void CPUBigHead(int n)
        double result = 1;
        LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) start");
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            result = result * i;
        LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) stop");
        //Texture change logic puts here
        LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) output");

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 CPUBigHead n n = 150 〕 unityEngine : CPIJ8igHead unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 CPIJ8igHead unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 1 i n th re a d 1 n ! 〔 n = 15 的 Stop 5 013 3 8 3 9 5 644 5 8 5 E + 2 6 2 n ! 〔 n = 150 〕 output 5 013 3 8 3 9 5 644 5 8 5 E + 2 6 2 15 6 5 2 5 6 9 i n th d 1 i n th re d 1

这里n!的计算是CPU密集操作,我们希望他在其他线程执行,而输出结果会在UI层调用texture变化,需要在 Id为1的主线程进行操作。


     public async Task CPUBigHeadAsync(int n)
        double result = 1;
        await Task.Run(() => 
            LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) start");
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                result = result * i;
            LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) stop");
        });  //Scheduler will contiue execution in main thread here 
        await Task.Delay(1000);
        //Texture change logic puts here
        LogToTUnityConsole(result, $"n!(n={n}) output");

得到如下结果: 计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 CPUBigHeadAsync n 区 n = 150 〕 unityEngine Debug:Log(object) CPIJ8igHeadAsync unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 CPIJ8igHeadAsync unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 1 10 i n th re a d 216 n ! 〔 n = 150 〕 Stop 5 013 3 8 3 9 5 644 5 8 5 E + 2 6 2 n ! 〔 n = 150 〕 output 5 013 3 8 3 9 5 644 5 8 5 E + 2 6 2 15 7 7 2 6 3 0 i n th d 216 i n th re d 1

可以看到我们确保了CPU密集型操作不在Unity 主线程里运行,从而保证了画面的相对流畅。


从上面的例子中我们可以看出,新的Task API/async语法为 Unity带来了新的优化可能性。旧有的Coroutine机制虽然可以讲逻辑拆分成为小的切片, 但是并不能自由控制每个部分运行的线程。Task 组成的API 可以轻易地调用线程池,让各种计算轻易地被我们的代码编排。


· 与UWP API高度集成,可以用简单的 await/AsTask() 扩展方法进行转换。

· 能够在Application 级别保持生存期。

· 通过CancellationToken控制执行树的定时/手动中断。

· 快速的对Event/thread/IAsyncResult进行封装,提供简易的统一调用模式。

在这篇文章里我们不会对这些用法一一展开,如果您有深入了解的需要,请参考 Asynchronous Programming Patterns


如我们在文章开头提到的, Task/await 作为新加入Unity的成员,开发中一定会在相当的时间内与Coroutine 并存。那么我们怎样灵活的在并存的条件下调用两者呢? Task与Coroutine交互

灵活调用两者,意味着我们能够在 Coroutine 中调用async 方法,以及在async方法中调用Coroutine.


在Task中调用Coroutine并等待完成 代码: TaskAwaitACoroutine

如果想要在async方法中调用 一个Coroutine 并对其进行控制,我们需要将Coroutine 的执行封装成一个简单的Task.

Unity 并没有对Coroutine的封装的完成callbak暴露出来,所以我们需要一个父级Coroutine调用来监视目标Coroutine的完成

     IEnumerator tempCoroutine(IEnumerator coro, System.Action afterExecutionCallback)
        yield return coro;


这时我们可以使用 TaskCompeletionSource<T> 来将异步操作封装成Task

     public async Task TaskAwaitACoroutine()
        await TaskAsyncCountDown(2, "precoro");
        var tcs = new System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource<object>();
                CoroutineCountDown(3, "coro"),
 () => tcs.TrySetResult(null)));         await tcs.Task; 

        await TaskAsyncCountDown(2, "postcoro");


     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        var t = TaskAwaitACoroutine(); 


计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 104 0 2 0 64 3 0 7 2 4 0 8 5 5118 615 8 717 6 8 2 0 3 9 2 0 5 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1

可以看到,在执行CoroutineCountDown“coro” 之后,编排器才开始执行后面的TaskAsyncCountDown “postcoro”





     public IEnumerator CoroutineAwaitATask()
        yield return CoroutineCountDown(2, "pretask");
        var task = TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "task");
        yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted || task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled); 
        //Check task's return;
        if (task.IsCompleted)
            LogToTUnityConsole("TDone", "task");
        yield return CoroutineCountDown(2, "posttask");




     void Start()
        stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

计算机生成了可选文字: C 0 n S 0 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n pretask pretask pretask unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn S k unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn S k unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn S k unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 TaskAsyncCountOonn S k unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO uti n eAn itATa S k unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 C 0 rO Lltln e C 0 凵 ntO 0 n unityEngine Debug:Log(object 〕 S k TO 0 n e post-task post-task post-task 1 10 0 6 2 0 0 6 3 012 4 0 3 0 5 0 3 8 6 0 5 2 7 0 6 2 8 0 7 0 9116 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 7 0 6 2 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1 i n th re d 1

可以观察到, 在执行过TaskAsyncCountDown "task"的 async method之后,Unity编排器继续执行后面的CoroutineCountDown“posttask”


上面我们演示了如何让Task和Coroutine 互相调用。 那么我们是否有办法简化这一流程,让操作更有生产力呢?

由于我们已经使用了.net 4.6 subset, 将这些调用模式转化为扩展方法就非常容易了。 于是我建立了 CoTaskHelper.cs 来进行简化调用。

 using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public static class CoTaskHelper

    public static async Task ExecuteCoroutineAsync(this MonoBehaviour monoBehavior, IEnumerator coroutine)
        var tcs = new System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource<object>();
                () => tcs.TrySetResult(null)));
        await tcs.Task;

    static IEnumerator tempCoroutine(IEnumerator coro, System.Action afterExecutionCallback)
        yield return coro;

    public static IEnumerator WaitAsCoroutine(this Task task)
        yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted || task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled);


     public async Task TaskAwaitACoroutineWithEx()
        await TaskAsyncCountDown(2, "precoro");
        await this.ExecuteCoroutineAsync(CoroutineCountDown(3, "coro")); 
        await TaskAsyncCountDown(2, "postcoro");
     public IEnumerator CoroutineAwaitATaskWithEx()
        yield return CoroutineCountDown(2, "pretask");
        var task = TaskAsyncCountDown(3, "task");
        yield return task.WaitAsCoroutine(); 
        LogToTUnityConsole("TDone", "task");
        yield return CoroutineCountDown(2, "posttask");



在这篇文章里我们简要的介绍和比较了 Unity原生的Coroutine 编程方式和在Unity 2017.1 版本中引入的 .net 4.6 subset + TAP编程方式,并提供了两种方式互相调用的代码范例。希望这些例子可以启发读者,并会成为大家使用Unity提高生产力的助力。



经过在一些项目中使用CoTaskHelper, 我将其重新包装了一个新版本,增加了对 YeildInstruction 的支持.大家使用中有什么建议,请在留言中告诉我哦

     /// <summary>
    /// Coroutine and Task Async Interactive Helper
    /// Based on artical https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/09/01/unity-coroutine-tap-en-us/ 
    /// </summary>
    public static class CoroutineTaskHelper
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate a coroutine to Task and run. It needs a Mono Behavior to locate Unity thread context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monoBehavior">The Mono Behavior that managing coroutines</param>
        /// <param name="coroutine">the coroutine that needs to run </param>
        /// <returns>Task that can be await</returns>
        public static async Task StartCoroutineAsync(this MonoBehaviour monoBehavior, IEnumerator coroutine)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
            await tcs.Task;

        /// <summary>
        /// Translate a YieldInstruction to Task and run. It needs a Mono Behavior to locate Unity thread context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monoBehavior">The Mono Behavior that managing coroutines</param>
        /// <param name="yieldInstruction"></param>
        /// <returns>Task that can be await</returns>
        public static async Task StartCoroutineAsync(this MonoBehaviour monoBehavior, YieldInstruction yieldInstruction)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
            await tcs.Task;

        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap a Task as a Coroutine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The target task.</param>
        /// <returns>Wrapped Coroutine</returns>
        public static CoroutineWithTask<System.Object> AsCoroutine(this Task task)
            var coroutine = new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted || task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled);
            return new CoroutineWithTask<object>(task);

        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap a Task as a Coroutine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The target task.</param>
        /// <returns>Wrapped Coroutine</returns>
        public static CoroutineWithTask<T> AsCoroutine<T>(this Task<T> task)

            return new CoroutineWithTask<T>(task);

        private static IEnumerator emptyCoroutine(YieldInstruction coro, TaskCompletionSource<object> completion)
            yield return coro;

        private static IEnumerator emptyCoroutine(IEnumerator coro, TaskCompletionSource<object> completion)
            yield return coro;

        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapped Task, behaves like a coroutine
        /// </summary>
        public struct CoroutineWithTask<T> : IEnumerator

            private IEnumerator _coreCoroutine;

            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor for Task with a return value;
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="coreTask">Task that need wrap</param>
            public CoroutineWithTask(Task<T> coreTask)
                WrappedTask = coreTask;
                _coreCoroutine = new WaitUntil(() => coreTask.IsCompleted || coreTask.IsFaulted || coreTask.IsCanceled);

            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor for Task without a return value;
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="coreTask">Task that need wrap</param>
            public CoroutineWithTask(Task coreTask)
                WrappedTask = Task.Run(async () =>
                    await coreTask;
                    return default(T);
                _coreCoroutine = new WaitUntil(() => coreTask.IsCompleted || coreTask.IsFaulted || coreTask.IsCanceled);

            /// <summary>
            /// The task have wrapped in this coroutine.
            /// </summary>
            public Task<T> WrappedTask { get; private set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Task result, if it have.  Calling this property will wait execution synchronously.
            /// </summary>
            public T Result { get { return WrappedTask.Result; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the current element in the collection.
            /// </summary>
            public object Current => _coreCoroutine.Current;

            /// <summary>
            /// Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>
            /// true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if
            /// the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
            /// </returns>
            public bool MoveNext()
                return _coreCoroutine.MoveNext();

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element
            /// in the collection.
            /// </summary>
            public void Reset()