Where to Find Computer Science Lectures Online

With school vacations coming up this seemed like a great time to accept this guest blog post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. I can imagine a lot of people looking for ways to do something educational over the holiday. While many of these may be a bit much for high school students some will be ready for them. Plus they may be helpful for continuing education for high school computer science teachers and for undergraduate students.

Where to Find Computer Science Lectures Online

Computer science lectures are a great way to introduce yourself to the world of computer science or expand your current knowledge. Here are hundreds of college-level computer science lectures available for free online.

Freshman Computer Science Seminar - This free computer science seminar held for college freshmen at UCLA includes ten audio lectures. You can play the lectures with Real Player, download them to an mp3 player, or subscribe through iTunes.

Understanding Computers and the Internet - Harvard offers an excellent introduction to computer science with a focus on understanding computers and the Internet in this series of 12 lectures. Lectures are available in Flash, QuickTime, and mp3 format and include slides, transcripts, and other learning materials.

Higher Computing - The introductory course for computer science at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) can be taken for free by watching a series of nearly 50 video lectures on the school's YouTube channel.

Operating Systems and Systems Programming - UC Berkeley offers this series of free computer science lectures on operating systems and systems programming. Most of the lectures include an audio and video version. Some lectures also include accompanying slides.

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - This series of computer science lectures, also from UC Berkeley, includes more than 40 free audio and video lectures on topics like functional programming, object-oriented programming, logic programming, data abstraction, sequences, streams, and concurrency.

Programming Languages - The University of Washington provides a series of free audio and video lectures on computer programming. Lectures include PowerPoint and PDF slides and can be played with Windows Media Player or downloaded to your computer or mp3 player.

Programming Methodology - Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford University Computer Science Department delivers a series of free computer science lectures through Stanford's YouTube channel. Each lecture lasts 40 to 50 minutes.

Multicore Programming Primer - The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a series of video lectures that use the Playstation 3 platform to teach computer science majors about parallel programming and multicore architectures. The lectures include accompanying notes, a set of recitations, and quizzes with solutions.

Introduction to Computer Architecture - Prof. Anshul Kumar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Delhi delivers a series of six video lectures on the basics of computer architecture through YouTube.

Computer Systems Engineering - This series of free computer science lectures, also from MIT, consists of more than 20 video lectures on computer software and hardware systems engineering. Lectures are accompanied by other learning materials, including lecture notes, assignments, and exams with solutions.

Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the About.com Guide to Business School. She also writes about online degree programs for OnlineDegreePrograms.org.


  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2009
    I was just wondering if you or anyone else had a link to the course resources associated with the Higher Computing videos from UNSW?