Teaching Real Projects Workshop
I’ll be helping out with some of this workshop at Stevens Institute of Technology in July. Free including accommodations. Plus some stipends.
Teaching Real Projects for Real Clients Courses (RPRCCs):
A Workshop for Computer Science, Information Technology, and Business Middle and High School Teachers (An ACM-W Project)
Goal: To attract more students, especially young women, and minorities, to computing courses, and eventually into college-level computing majors and the computing workforce
How: By interesting workshop attendees to, and training them to, teach initial phase (pre-programming) RPRCCs with socially-relevant agencies as clients; and providing hands-on help to those teach their first RPRCCs. (Whether you decide, or not, to teach an RPRCC, or to add RPRCC aspects to another course, you will learn a great deal about what software development is other than just programming.)
Where: Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, on the Hudson River, across from Manhattan
When: July 19-23, 2010
Accommodations: Free dorm rooms for all attendees
Travel: Stipends for a number of middle and high school teachers from outside the area
Meals: Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all attendees
interested in attending: contact Prof. David Klappholz: aklappho@stevens.edu or davidk6@gmail.com
For more background on the RPRCC initiative: https://sites.google.com/site/therprccinitiative/