Python Tools for Visual Studio V1.0 Released
A lot of people are looking into using Python in computer science education these days. Of course a lot of people are also using Visual Studio for Visual Basic or C# or even F# and it would be nice to use the same IDE for Python as well. The learning curve for an IDE is not something that really adds value to learning a new programming language. So I thought I would share the following from a recent announcement of the release to manufacturing of version 1.0 of the Python Tools for Visual Studio software.
Here are a couple of videos on Python Tools for Visual Studio (more on YouTube):
- Edit PTVS - Core editing experience with Python Tools for Visual Studio
- Profile PTVS - Profiling with Python Tools for Visual Studio
- Project portal is at:
- To install, please see: Installing PTVS (basically get a Python interpreter & click to install PTVS)