Microsoft Institute Series for Teacher Leaders
February 10-11 in Austin, Texas
Register Now:
Part 1 Registration
Wednesday, February 10 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Part 2 Registration Thursday, February 11 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Are you an educator responsible for providing technology training to colleagues? Do you frequently lead teachers with best practices on how to integrate technology in the classroom? Then this event is for you!
The Microsoft Institute now offers workshops dedicated for teachers and teacher leaders. The project-based workshop curriculum is designed for educators who are charged—either formally or informally—with leading technology professional development for classroom teachers.
The Teacher Leader Program was created for teacher trainers, curriculum integration specialists, master teachers, technology coaches and coordinators, department heads, and others. A workshop is now scheduled for your area.
What You’ll Receive:
- Free, hands-on training on project-based, student-centered activities for K-12 classrooms
- Microsoft Teacher Leader certificate
- Free access to professional development curriculum for your use in your school
- Support from the Microsoft Partners in Learning Network community
- Eligibility for clock or credits hours (*will vary by state)
- A “21st Century Classroom Pack for Students” upon completion of teacher training at your school*
What To Bring:
- Your own laptop computer with Microsoft Office 2007 installed. Download a free trial here.
*Attendees are expected to:
- Attend a follow-up conference call with the workshop facilitator and other attendees to answer any questions
- Deliver at least one teacher professional development activity at your school or district based on this workshop
Contribute a teacher professional development best practice to the Microsoft Partners in Learning Network community