Kodu Cup Submission Deadline is May 10th 2011

Just a reminder that the submission deadline for the Microsoft Kodu Cup is next week on May 10th, 2011.

There is still time to create a new game with Kodu and you could win $5,000
for yourself and your school and lots of great technology! But get cracking!
The Kodu Cup is a game design competition for students 9 – 17 years old.
Kodu Cup Competition Details

Here are some details about this year’s Kodu Cup competition:

  • Submissions will be accepted through May 10, with winners announced in late May.
  • The competition will be broken into two age groups — 9 to 12 years old and 13 to 17 years old — with a grand prize winner and first and second runners-up from each group.
  • The grand prize winners receive $5,000 for themselves and their respective schools, as well as a trip to the Imagine Cup 2011 Worldwide Finals in New York.
  • Kids are encouraged to participate, register and learn more about the competition at https://koducup.us.
  • All entrants under the age of 13 must have a parent or guardian’s consent to participate in the competition.
  • Quick tips on gaming are available at https://GetGameSmart.com.
