Interesting Links 27 June 2010
Posting early this week as I hope to have more timely stuff to write about as the week goes on. I’m on my way to Denver for ISTE this morning. I hope to connect with a bunch of people this afternoon and evening. If you are coming I sure hope we connect in real life as well. BTW if you are at ISTE stop by the Microsoft booth (#1354) and get a free Leaning Suite DVD - free tools & resources for educators!
One highlight or perhaps low light as it is somewhat pessimistic (or realistic) is a post by Dave Patterson on fixing HS CS education - Dave Patterson on fixing high school CS education It is a must read if you want to understand the issues
From Matt Maclaurin (@mmaclaurin) who runs the Kodu team - want to use kodu in a classroom? we've just published a bunch of helpful materials Kodu Classroom Kit
Channel 9 has a series of videos that make up a Developing with Office 2010 training course.
Clint Rutkas (@ClintRutkas) pointed out this excellent read on color blindness and color breakdowns.This is stuff anyone working on user interface or web page design really should know something about.
Are you concerned about the legal implications of Sexting and related things that students are doing? If you are in school administration you should be. Also if you get involved in tech issues are your school. danah boyd (@zephoria) Tweeted an announcement about "Sexting: Youth Practices and Legal Implications" (for Berkman's Youth & Media Policy Init.)
Garth's teaching programming methods course - a work in progress. Garth is working on the design of a course to teach people who to teach computer science. If you have ideas you should check out what he is doing and contribute to the effort.
From @teacherman79 via a retweet by @MrAndyPuppy why teachers should care about games. An interesting read on using games to really teach some complex topics.
The Spring 2010 issue of Journal for Computing Teachers is now available at (direct link is JCT Spring 2010
Here is a link to some Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 to help you navigate.