Interesting Links 25 October 2010

Busy week last week but than most weeks are. Also a long week since I was working a booth at the New Hampshire Tech Fest on Saturday. That was a good day though. (Read about Microsoft at NH Tech Fest here). I had a great time demoing software for a lot of kids from elementary school up though high school. A great event.

Andrew Parsons is the new academic developer evangelist in the New York City area and starts next week. He’s relocating from Australia. We’re all very glad to have him join the team in the US. He’s hosting his first Imagine Cup event in about a week. He writes about it in his blog at NYC Imagine Cup Kick off - Inspiring students to change the world for the better.

If you’re a student or someone who works with students in the New York area and want to know what all the fuss is about around this Imagine Cup thing, please come to the NYC Imagine Cup kick off on Thursday November 4 at 5pm. I would love to meet you and find out how you’re thinking about technology that can change the world.

The event will be held at St Francis College in Brooklyn Heights – check out the registration page for the details and to register yourself to attend.

If you are teaching Visual Basic, or trying to learn it yourself,  I came across this very helpful Visual basic Programming guide. That’s for VB 2010 but there are links to similar guides for older versions of Visual Basic as well.

An important reminder for any tech savvy girls you may know, the deadline for the Award for Aspirations in Computing is soon - 10/31! Apply: Girls can win $500 cash, a laptop, and a trip to the awards gala.

Several good links from the Computer Science Teachers Association last week. For one thing there is a new issue of the CSTA Voice! with a focus on "CS Education Week" The CSTA blog also had a post announcing -  Exploring Computer Science Website Arrives! Also Steve Cooper, Mehran Sahami, and Paulo Blickstein at Stanford University have a project about online repositories of computer science educational material and are looking for teachers to help by responding to a very short online survey, asking what websites you use to get materials for your classes and why you do or do not use online repositories of educational materials.

Oh are you interested in cloud computing? Bob Familiar recorded three talks by David Platt of the Harvard University Extension school. You can find them at:

A reminder, I tweet links and information and some random fun stuff all week long from @AlfredTwo so if you are on Twitter I hope you will follow me.