Interesting Links 19 April 2010
Friday morning this week I head to Washington DC for the 2010 US Imagine Cup Finals. You can come by the US Imagine Cup Community Showcase on April 26, 2010 from (AM until 2Pm at the Newseum, Washington, DC. Register HERE: and use registration code GOV0426. If you are in the DC area I hope to see you there. Now for some links.
From the Microsoft UK Schools blog I found this video - Kodu for PC – a teacher’s tutorial. It’s a nice getting started link.
Prof. Richard Rasala (Northeastern) has been teaching web development for a while and has a great link page called Web Development Information on the Web. If you are teaching web development or just trying to learn more on your own this set of links is worth checking out.
Looking to read about women in technology? There are role models out there. Last week in her Microsoft Women Worth Watching series Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley ) highlighted Holly Hirzel Lead Producer for “1 vs. 100″, Xbox Live. The Anita Borg Institute (@anitaborg_org) highlights their profile of Linda Apsley, Director of Program Management, Business Online Services Group, Microsoft Corporation.
Some interesting CS game project ideas at the blog (12 Computer science game project ideas) No solutions handy but still and interesting set of ideas for students looking for project for after the AP CS exam which is coming up soon.
If you are interested in interesting educational uses for table PCs you may want to check out Tablet PC's in the Field - The Vassar Experience Reaches the Barbados! It’s a blog post by Jim Vanides of HP.
In the interesting links category clearly come the list of Best Computer Science graduate schools by U.S. News and World Reports. Say what you want about their methodology (and it is open to criticism) this makes for an interesting list that is probably pretty close in most cases.
New on Channel 9 last week is this talk on Windows Phone 7 Application and Game Development by Rob Miles. If you are interested in game development, Phone development and where the two mix this is a good presentation to start with.