Interesting Links 14 February 2011
Happy Valentines Day! Surely there is some appropriate computer project or connection for the day but I can’t think of one off hand. Can you? So for me, here are this weeks interesting links. Oh, before I forget. I have a new format for the blog so if you are reading this via RSS reader jump on over to and take a look. Comments are welcome.
From my good friends at @TeachTec: Are you interested in winning a free trip to ISTE 2011? Join the Partners in Learning Network. More information at
From the fun people at Channel 9 and the Coding 4 Fun development team there is now the Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit.
We lost a great pioneer of the computer industry last week. Before Google and "do no evil" there was Ken Olsen and DEC with "do the right thing" He was a great man and I was pleased to work for his company for about 14 years. He created a great company culture. Read about his at (also
I found a couple of interesting blog posts about programming projects last week. Otello in Scratch a great cross curriculum project by Ben Chun And a great project and post by Garth Flint - Teaching and learning with Battleship.
Michael Howard & Adam Shostack, experts in Security Engineering at Microsoft chat about their top 10 security pet peeves.
Are you interested in the new APCS course? I found this good slide show about the developing AP CS Principles course.
How good and realistic are the sports video games? Last September the Xbox football game from EA Sports predicted the winner of the Super Bowl. That sure says something about how much serious simulation work goes into these sports games. Apparently they have picked the winner in 6 of the last 7 seasons. Or perhaps 7 on the last 8?