Interesting Links 12 April 2010
What does this say?
01000010 01100001 01110010
01100010 01101001 01100101
It says “Barbie” in Binary coded ASCII. See Barbie Goes Binary for more on the display on Computer Engineer Barbie's laptop and the design on her blouse. I wonder how many little girls will notice? Well at least we geeks know it is there.
The nice people at @fuselabs retweeted this link from @planetkodu about an interesting post from the Planet Kodu Blog: 6 surprising ways Kodu can help you. If you have looked at Kodu and wondered what it would do for students that post is a great place to start reading.
The @koduteam twittered about some little-known-facts on Kodu cut-and-paste (keyboard shortcuts work!) By retweeting a link from @scoy6 to his new Kodu tutorial on programming User Interface on the Kodu blog.
Speaking of research projects that are useful for teachers, Microsoft Research just released a new Chemistry add-on for Word.
The Chemistry Add-in for Word makes it easier to insert and modify chemical information, such as labels, formulas, and 2-D depictions, within Microsoft Office Word. Additionally, it enables the creation of inline “chemical zones,” the rendering of print-ready visual depictions of chemical structures, and the ability to store and expose chemical information in a semantically rich manner.
Joe Osborne, one of Microsoft’s Student Insiders (Twitter @joeosborne87) Twittered a link to his interview with Twitter's Raffi Krikorian. One of the things they talked about is geotagging. Information of where people are is becoming quite the issue on the Internet these days.
Last week I started guest blogging at the Educators’ Royal Treatment. I expect to blog there a couple of times a week, usually about general education technology issues rather than computer science specific topics. My first post there is called The Missing Question From Technology Plans I hope you will check it out and comment as appropriate.
Looking for Alice teaching workshops this summer? Good list at (The Alice home page is at
Are you a Moodle user? @mrdatahs wrote a post onZDNet Education about Microsoft Education Labs integrates Office with Moodle. This is one of a number of releases by Microsoft Education Labs and it is not the only resource for Moodle users that you will find there.
Are you one of those people who likes to incorporate photos and videos in Office documents? @Officegal twittered aboutnew photo and video tools in Office 2010 on The Microsoft Office Blog.
The Microsoft Jobs Blog interviews Microsoft Games Studio Writer John Sutherland - from Pong to Natal. An interesting story about one man reinventing himself and moving into new career options. Worth a look and not just if you are interested in game development.