Interesting Links 11 January 2010

I’m headed to Tuesday night. I’m looking forward to helping with some Expression Web workshops and spending time at the Microsoft booth. I’m also hoping to meet a lot of people face to face. One of the events I am looking to go to is the Tweetup that @jswiatek is organizing. If you’d like information on the FETC TweetUp at go here. I hope to see some of my readers there.

I know a lot of people don’t see much value in Twitter. Doug Peterson (aka @dougpete) wrote a blog post titled Twitter in Action that gives two really good and reproducible examples of teachers using Tweeter to bring the world to their students. There is a lot of online collaboration going on between teachers online. Are you part of it?

I finally got around to watching the video of Scott McLeod's talk to the NEA leadership recently.  If you haven't watched it yet you really should. It is all about the effects of destructive innovation on education.

Are you looking for information about careers and estimates of their future career possibilities? Perhaps have students interested in information for planning for their future? The US government has a site about exploring career information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This week @weemooseus beat me to twittering about the call for  proposals for the Computer Science and Information Technology Symposium being open. This is a great conference and presenting there is as valuable an experience as attending the presentations. I urge you to think about sharing something you have found valuable with other Computer Science teachers.

Not a long list this week I am afraid. I think a lot of people are still getting into the swing of things after the holiday break. I know I am. Have any interesting links or resources to share? Please leave a comment, send me a tweet at @AlfredTwo or email to AlfredTh (at) Thanks!

Technorati Tags: FETC,CSIT10,CSTA


  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    Alfred - I just came across your blog through a link posted by a fellow FETC participant on Twitter. DreamBox Learning is currently at FETC and we are having a great time so far. If you're interested in checking out our online math game programs for K-2, we'd love to hear what you have to say. Perhaps a guest post on our blog: Stop by booth 1305 and say "hi" to Sue and Mickelle. Hope to see you! -The DreamBox Learning Team