Intel Schools of Distinction 2010

An announcement arrived in my inbox about applications being open for this year’s Intel Schools of Distinction awards. Microsoft is one of the sponsors BTW. This is a good opportunity to get cash and products for your school to support innovative work that you are doing. Also if you complete you submission in January you will have the chance to win a Netbook.

Does your school demonstrate 21st century teaching and learning environments that promote excellence in math and science?   Enter the 2010 Intel Schools of Distinction Awards and your school could win up to $25,000.  18 finalists will win $5,000 and a trip to Washington, D.C. Six winners selected from the eighteen finalists will receive an additional $5,000 from the Intel Foundation and more than $100,000 in products and services from the program award sponsors.

Application deadline is Feb. 17, 2010 - submit your completed application early and you may win a Netbook. Early bird drawings held every week in January.

This awards program is open to K-12 public, private, charter, parochial schools in the United States, Department of Defense Dependents Schools, and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools. Home schools are not eligible.