Installing SQL Server 2008 + Windows Server 2012 = Cluster Service Verification FAILED
Last week I was working with Marcelo Fernandes (SQL Server MVP) and he asked for help to try to find a solution for the issue below.
You can get more details and screen shoots visiting Marcelo's blog post.
During SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 over a Windows Server 2012 the Cluster Service Verification Failed.
The MsClus.dll library is disabled by default in Windows Server 2012, and installing "Failover Cluster Automation Server" re-enable it.
Install Cluster Automation Server (add-windowsfeature RSAT-Clustering-Automation Server)
Reference: (Known SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 setup issues)
After this installation in all Cluster Nodes you can re-start SQL Server 2008 installation and the Cluster Service Verification will pass.
- Anonymous
September 04, 2014
Good one.