Share Your OPML (it had to happen)

So, who would have thought that OPML would be a big deal? ;-)

The interest in Dave Winer's latest project, Share Your OPML, is the reason for OPML's Attention this weekend. And with good reason too. Dave hinted at this project at last week's Seattle Mind Camp where we discussed Attention. This app / service is so inline with the OPML as an Attention data file thinking.

I've shared mine here. The service doesn't offiicially launch until Monday, but there's already plenty of OPML sharing going on. Steve Rubel, Robert Scoble, Michael Arrington and JWynia are blogging (and sharing) this too, and plenty more.

Nice thing is I can see who is sub'd to me. So far on this two feeds (one gen'd by this blogware, the other is a Feedbuner feed I created in September.

Who's Sub'd to Me...

Alex Barnett blog (feedburner - this one's better ;-)

Les Bain 118
Alex Barnett 593
Rod Begbie 232
couchblog 274
Peter Giger 49
Bela Labovitch 100
Tom Morris 334
Chris Pirillo 1441
Robert Scoble 99
TibsBits 102
Kate Trgovac 134
John Tropea 53

Alex Barnett blog (the other feed)

michael arrington 373
Alex Barnett 593
Christian Cadeo 310
Darkwookiee 154
Brian Johnson 96
paulbwalker 119
Murray Robinson 20
cori schlegel 402
J Wynia 457

Most prolific subscribers:

Here's the top ten as they stand right now (how many feeds they sub to)

1. Chris Pirillo 1441
2. enoch choi 960
3. Larry Borsato 678
4. Douglas Sorocco 638
5. flycook 636
6. Alex Barnett 593
7. Cyb Alive 519
8. Randy Charles Morin 486
9. JDo 476
10. J Wynia 457

Update: I just realized there was a 'show me people who have subsciptions like mine' thing. Very powerful affinities: Here's mine (top ten most like my OPML file)

1. Pete Gilbert 548 19.667
2. EirePreneur 45 11.501
3. Randy Holloway 219 6.052
4. Robert Scoble 99 6.012
5. Jeff Clavier 289 5.337
6. Peter Giger 49 4.833
7. Dave Winer 414 4.728
8. John Tropea 53 4.663
9. Richard Hamilton 192 4.632
10. Eddie Dickey 151 4.613

Tags: OPML Attention RSS


  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2006

    Your feedburner feed's better for who?  I'm sure it's better for you, stats and all, but does it make a diff to your readers?  Also, why don't you ask your blog host to redirect your traffic to your feedburner address?

    The Share Your OPML relaunch looks good so far - I hope the community is vibrant enough to warrant some more additions to the functionality of the old system and maybe an exposed API that we can script against?  There's a lot that could be done with this data.

    (btw, your second Technorati tag is misspelled)
  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2006
    About four weeks ago I made my way over to ZDNet's studios in San Francisco to be interviewed by Mike...
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2006
    hello alex
    this is an off topic question:
    how can i export my subscribed feeds from outlook 2007 (beta2) into an opml file - does a workaround exist?
    i am able to import, but not export.
    thank you
  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2006
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