The best companion for windows server 2008

For some time now I’ve been mentioning this great book I reviewed on Windows Server 2008, well the good news is that it is finally out. So here is the official introduction to “The Complete guide to Windows Server 2008”.

This book does exactly what is says on the cover, it provides a complete guide. Even while I was reviewing the electronic version, which I had in Word format with all the graphics missing, I was picking up tips I hadn’t read anywhere else. That to me is the sign of a good book.

The one thing that struck me one I did see the final version was how big a book it ended up as, I thought it would be the size of one of the MS Press Windows Server 2008 Resource kits, but actually it is huge. Reminded me of the “Inside Windows Server 2003” by William Boswell that Addison Wesley also published, small technical depth, same glossy pages and in the end the same results.

So basics about the book, it’s long, 24 chapters and just under 1700 pages covering all the components in depth, including PowerShell and Hyper-V. There are plenty of graphics with clear explanations, I can tell you it’s easier to see them in print than having to switch between Word and the thumbnails in Windows Explorer. I could go on and on about this book, I really do like it. It’s been a really useful guide for me as I put together a series of webcasts on Presentation Virtualization, Terminals Services to you, me and the book. The chapter dedicated to the subject provided inspiration on how I should talk about the topic and the order that made sense.

So here is the stupid thing, I have the printed version with me, like I said it big and bulky and I also still have the electronic review copy, yet I still carry the book with me as I travel around.

if you are looking for a reference book for Windows Server 2008, I would highly recommend going to your local book store and checking this one out, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2009
    is it understandable for ordinary people like me??

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2009
    Any idea if William Boswell will be publishing an "Inside Windows 2008?"