Updated Active Directory capacity planning guidance published

We recently published Capacity Planning for Active Directory Domain Services. This is a a detailed and comprehensive set of guidelines to help optimize computing resources for DCs, including considerations for virtual environments. It's by Ken Brumfield, a Senior field engineer here at Microsoft, based on his extensive experience and research. This has been a frequently requested document over the years and the Active Directory documentation is grateful to Ken for sharing his expertise and time to fill this need.

The wiki version is published to https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/14355.capacity-planning-for-active-directory-domain-services-en-us.aspx.

Justin [Active Directory Documentation Team]


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Yes, there are Management Packs for Active Directory. Here is a link to the download the Windows Server 2008 Management Pack: www.microsoft.com/.../details.aspx

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for the question Remigio. To add on Kurt's comment, the author for the capacity planning guide, Ken Brumfield, indicated that most of the information required to do this is collected by either the OS MP or the AD MP.  Since the data is already in SCOM, use the existing built in functionality to review the performance data in accordance with the article.  Unfortunately, at this time there are no built in reports to simplify this effort.  However, knowledge of T-SQL and the SCOM DataWarehouse structure will facilitate querying the data and doing the calculations necessary.  This customization and expertise is available through organizations such as Microsoft Consulting Services.

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2012
    Quite good post! Did you know if there's something that could be used from System Center Operation Manager 2007 to compare the actual implementation with a Healthy Model (something like a baseline, as Management Packs also have) of AD? . I'm considering that SCOM is monitoring all the Domain Controllers on the infrastructure.