Record your Demos Happen { Here } demo with Community Clips

Jensen Harris (of "The Story Of The Ribbon" fame) announced it, Allan Da Costa Pinto has pointed to it already (as, of course, has Frank - does he never sleep?). There's a great new public site for the (previously internal only) Microsoft Office Labs. This is a collection of some of the "concept cars" that the Office team has developed. One of my favourites is the Search Commands addin that allows you to search for functionality within Office applications in your own words and have those commands appear on the ribbon.

However, for me, the killer app is Community Clips. This will allow you to record screencasts and then (optionally) upload them to a portal. Of course, you could also save them locally, run them through Expression Encoder and then upload them to your Silverlight Streaming account using the Silverlight Streaming Plug-in if, for example, you were entering the Demos Happen { Here } competition. Download the Community Clips client here.
