New Melbourne User Group - Silverlight Designer and Developer Network

Got this note from Jordan Knight today. Looks like a great new group staring up with some smart people in Melbourne.

The Silverlight Designer and Developer Network Starts Next Week!

Launching next week, the SDDN, which is part of Victoria .NET,  is a new special interest group completely and absolutely for Silverlight and surrounding tools and technologies.

As the name suggests SDDN is for developers and designers alike! Content will range from the most basic of Silverlight concepts to advanced topics like designer/developer workflow.

When and Where?

The group’s first meeting is on Thursday November 27 at 5:30 PM for a 6:00 PM start.
The venue is Microsoft Theatre, Level 5, 4 Freshwater Place, Southbank.
Attendance is FREE. But please RSVP to if you plan to attend.

We have some great speakers lined up for you: Shane Morris from Microsoft and Jonas Follesø from Capgemini. These guys have tons of experience in Silverlight and have presented many times on the subject, including fantastic talks at TechEd.

Who will this group interest?

The focus of the group is not just on developers. Traditionally developers have had great community support, whereas designers not so much… now that Silverlight 2 is out we plan to change this.

Silverlight is as interesting for developers as it is for designers. Due in part to Silverlight’s excellent separation of design and development concerns we have new problems to solve around finding the best ways to work together.

To this end the SDDN will facilitate an ongoing discussion and promote the development of ideas and best practices for anyone who works with Silverlight.

To register interest head over to Registering your interest helps us organise the meetings!

The Site

A big part of the group is the site (, which will include all sorts of goodies once we launch it later in the year, including blog syndication and more importantly all the presentations will be available for download! Stay tuned for more updates at a later stage.

(And.. please note that the current site is just a temporary site!)
