Australian Tech.Ed Locknote Factoids

This year at TechEd Australia (aka #auteched) the locknote was delivered by Miha Kralj, Director in the office of the CTO. The session was entitled "How IT is changing us and our future" and was delivered using a very cool style called PechaKucha – 20 slides, each on the screen for 20 seconds. Miha actually delivered 5 x 20 slides, an introduction and then a section based loosely on each of the four TechEd themes – Learn, Connect, Explore and Evolve.

Miha Kralj, Director in the office of the CTOThe style features information overload, with each slide having at least two, and sometimes as many as four separate but complementary pieces of information appearing during the 20 seconds. Common things in Miha's presentation were a scrolling factoid across the bottom of the slide and a "Book worth reading" recommendation that appeared at about the 10 second mark.

Due to popular demand and with Miha's permission, I've compiled the factoids and book recommendations from his deck. The recording of the session itself will be available from TechEd Online some time in the very near future.

Books worth reading

Guy Kawasaki: Reality Check

Byron Acohido, Jon Swartz: Zero Day Threat

Elting E. Morison: Men, Machines, and Modern Times

Robert Fulghum: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Janis Fisher Chan: E-Mail: How to Write and Manage E-Mail in the Workplace

Dan Heath: Made to Stick

Tim O'Reilly, Sarah Milstein: The Twitter Book

Brian McWilliams, Allen Noren: Spam Kings

Don Tapscott: Grown up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World

Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Start

Nancy Duarte: Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations


Michael E. Gerber: E-Myth Revisited

Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Solution

Malcolm Gladwell: Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Thomas Kelley: The Art of Innovation

Phil Baker: From Concept to Consumer: How to Turn Ideas Into Money

David Weinberger: Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder

Stephanie Chandler: From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur

Jonathan Boehman, David Weigelt: Dot Boom: Marketing to Baby Boomers

Bjorn Renneus Guthrie: Tomorrow We are Driving Computers Which Look Like Cars

Sandy Berger: Great Age Guide to Gadgets & Gizmos

Russ Unger, Carolyn Chandler: A Project Guide to UX Design

James H. Gilmore, Joseph B. Pine: Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want


Chris Anderson: The Long Tail

Clara Shih: The Facebook Era

Dianne Sweeney: Kissing Frogs In Cyberspace


Michael Erbschloe, John Vacca: Net Privacy

Peter F. Drucker: Management Challenges for the 21st Century

Richard Florida: The Rise of the Creative Class

Peter Yellowlees MD: Your Health In The Information Age

Don Tapscott: Wikinomics

Jeff Howe: Crowdsourcing


Valerie Landau: The Engelbart Hypothesis: dialogs with Douglas Engelbart

Scrolling Factoids

For each completed evaluation form Microsoft will donate $1 to the IT Fund for Kids - a Starlight Foundation initiative.

Only 35 minutes to go before prize giving starts! Yay!

By 2014 more than 45% of new workloads will be delivered through Cloud Computing

The top 10 Web sites accounted 31 percent of all pageviews in 2001, 40 percent in 2006, and about 75 percent in 2010.

Does information value of 50MB of YouTube kittens equal a 5MB NYT article?

Mobile phone is a million times cheaper, 100,000 times smaller and 1,000 times faster than MIT computer in 1965.

There are 60 mobile phones per 100 people – more than 4 billion total.

More than 76% of 159 million adults in US pay their bills online.

Japan has the highest concentration of fax machines: 93 per 1,000 people.

3.4 billion text messages are sent each day in the US – on average 357 messages per month.

247 billion emails are sent each day – that’s 527 million since this presentation started.

73% of senior citizens (60+ years old) in US utilize the Internet on a regular basis.

Statistically there is over 7% chance that someone just twitted about this session.

81% of all global email traffic is spam – up from 61% in year 2005.

Average US household upgrades all electronics in the house every 3.5 years.

Internet in 2010 is estimated to be over 7 exabytes large – that’s 7 million terabytes.

A typical Pecha Kucha night includes eight to fourteen presentations of 20 slides each, 20 seconds per slide.

The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet based on how the internet is described in computer network diagrams


Birthday of PC is August 12, 1981, when IBM introduced model number 5150,

IBM XT (1983) ran @ 4.77 MHz. Laptops today run @ 3,060.00 MHz.

Smartphones with touch screens account 55% of 166 million units sold in 2009.

Average American watches more than 4 hrs of TV per day (that is 2 months per year).

Video games target at least 40 hours of focused entertainment per game per user.

Wii Fit surpassed sales of Halo 3 and became $1B business in 4 months.

47% of TV viewers in US would pay for ad-less broadcasting of content.

Fastest txting is 160-character SMS in 41.52 seconds – more than 4 chars per second!

On Christmas 2009 Amazon sold more kindle e-books than paper books for the first time.

Japan is the largest market for new gadgets with over 65 million active gadget users.

Microsoft SYNC sales in Ford, Lincoln and Mercury line-up exceeded 1 million users in 2009.

US stats: 58 Million overweight; 40 Million obese; 3 Million morbidly obese.

Voice recognition software has recognition accuracy at 98.5% - still not enough for a mass adoption.

Nokia manufactures 13 (non-smart) mobile phones every second.

Mobile phone penetration in Kenya and Tanzania will hit 100% before 2013.

mPesa has 8.3 million active users – that’s 21% of entire Kenyan population.

The number of devices that are connected to the Internet is expected to pass the 5 billion milestone later this month.


Netcraft survey from March 2010 measured response from 206 million internet sites.

Internet is transferring over 2,000 PB (Petabytes) of information per month.

Cisco Nexus switch can move all Wikipedia content in 0.001 seconds.

Facebook aggregates 40 Gbps backhaul traffic per server cabinet into its network core.

Stocks of data center providers are performing well above the IT industry average.

On average, Akamai serves 1.5 million simultaneous media streams through its CDN network.

32-bit IP address space can address 4,294,967,295 possible combinations.

IANA Pool exhaustion: October 2011. RIR pool exhaustion: August 2012.

As of 2010, IPv6 readiness is not considered in most consumer purchasing decisions.

Today there are only 4 home routers on the market that are IPv6 ready.

The size of Internet was roughly 5 million terabytes of data. That was in 2009.

Every 2 months YouTube gets more content than all TV networks produced since 1950.

There are over 250 million unique daily visitors to Facebook.

Over 380 couples that met online get married or engaged every day.

Folding@home is the most powerful distributed computer, sustaining 6.3 petaflops.

Human brain processing speed is estimated between 100 teraflops and 100 petaflops.

Garry Kasparov can examine approximately three positions per second. Deep Blue can compare200 million pps.

Studies show that automation increases production up to million times with deterministic quality control.

87% of surveyed IT vendors declared that their solutions are ready for the cloud.


Information anxiety is produced by the ever-widening gap between what we understand and what we think we should understand.

Over 90% of young people have online access, up from 75% in 2000.

In only 4 days Fox Home Entertainment sold 6.7 million DVD and Blu-ray units of Avatar

Organic food market grows 18% per year, topping $30 billion in 2009.

More than 15 million American adults suffer from Social anxiety disorders.

Only 32% of Facebook users customize their privacy settings.

85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate.

Deep web (non-indexed web) is estimated to be 500 times bigger than visible web.

86% of technology professionals claim that they understand how encryption protects the data.

Human knowledge doubles every 3-4 years according to sociology research.

The term Knowledge Worker was first coined in 1959 by Peter Drucker.

There are over 130 years of recorded lectures available freely on the internet.

66% of 16,000 students from 31 top US universities admitted to have cheated at least once.

There are currently 1,116,967 lawyers practicing in the United States.

Over 22 million legal documents from various legislations are available online.

Average tuition for public medical school in US is $25,000 per each year of study.

Average age of medical doctor in US is 47 – that means they studied medicine at least 20 years ago.

MBA graduate is expected to get on average 17.5% higher salary than non-MBA manager.

Companies that used crowdsourcing shortened development for 14% and lowered the cost for 35%.

There are over 18.000 active offers of products and services for $5 on


Nearly every aspect of our life is changing due to impact of Information Technology.

US kids spend on average no more than 2.5 h on week and 6.2 h on weekend with their father.

The national graduation rate in US is 71%; up to 85% of US population has high school diploma.

Top universities: Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, Cambridge, MIT, Caltech, Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Oxford

Studies less than decade old: New Media, Biotech, Organic Agriculture, Homeland Security, e-Business, Nanotechnology.

95% of all songs downloaded in 2009 were not paid for.

Over 1,000,000 books are published this year; that’s over 114 books during this presentation.

In 2009, 42% of all hotel bookings were generated over the Internet.

In 2009 US travel sales booked online reached $135 billion.

In 2008 campaign Obama raised $55,000,000 in 29 days through online social networks.

More people play online games than are prepared to go out and vote.

Zopa was the first P2P money lending company, linking lenders and borrowers directly.

Since the economy collapse, small private investors are still shy to invest through large brokers.

Estimated 4.7 million Americans uses prescription drugs non-medically.

Up to 80% of CAT scans created in US are transferred in real-time to India for an expert opinion.

Research shows that genetic factors can significantly alter response to drugs.

Intelligence amplification refers to the effective use of information technology in augmenting human intelligence.

By 2014, over 40% of new spend, over 45% of new workloads and over 25% of total workloads will use the Cloud Computing.


  • Anonymous
    September 06, 2010
    was the slide deck created in Powerpoint?
  • Anonymous
    September 06, 2010
    The comment has been removed