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锁定的问题。 此问题已从 Microsoft 支持社区迁移。 你可投票决定它是否有用,但不能添加评论或回复,也不能关注问题。 为了保护隐私,对于已迁移的问题,用户个人资料是匿名的。

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    This issue is beyond the scope of technical support on this forum, you can visit the Microsoft Q&A forum to inquire:

    Results in Microsoft Credentials - Training, Certification, and Program Support

    Windows Client for IT Pros and Windows Server forums are moving to Microsoft Q&A

    We’re transitioning to Microsoft Q&A for a more streamlined experience. Starting 24 February*, new questions can only be posted on* Microsoft Q&A. Existing discussions will remain accessible here.

    From the 26 Februarycustomers looking for support on Answers will be automatically redirected to Microsoft Q&A.

    Best regards,

    Jingjing Wu

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