关于微软合作伙伴中心中的法律信息为什么第三步骤一直是身份验证?Why is the third step of legal information in Microsoft Partner Center always identity verification?

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Why is the third step of legal information in Microsoft Partner Center always identity verification?



I have a corporate account that is currently stuck in the Microsoft Partner Center, as shown in the JPG above.

I would like to know: Is the third step to be audited by Microsoft? How long is the usual construction period? If it weren't for Microsoft's review, how should I proceed? The enterprise account and the account submitted for this issue are not the same account. During the authentication process, the status consistently displays PENDING!


首先感谢您的回复,我大致明白了您的意思,我们提交资料然后耐心等待一个漫长的微软审核。等待约1年?但我们作为合作伙伴以及开发商、机会是自己争取的。而不是等待。迫在眉睫的问题得不到处理。这个问题存在了3-5个工作日了!我们需要协商去解决,企业提供的资料已经非常的详细,非常的全面!审核为什么这么慢?一周了!!! First of all, thank you for your reply. I roughly understand your meaning. We will submit the materials and patiently wait for a long Microsoft review. Waiting for about a year? But as partners and developers, we fought for the opportunity ourselves. Instead of waiting. The pressing issue cannot be addressed. This issue has been present for 3-5 working days! We need to negotiate to resolve the issue. The information provided by the company is already very detailed and comprehensive! Why is the review so slow? It's been a week!!!2

只是一个硬件开发者注册如此之久,我真不敢相信。目前我的另一个微软合作伙伴账户仍在审核! I can't believe it's just a hardware developer who has been registered for so long. My other Microsoft partner account is still under review! 我需要微软的联系邮箱!我需要解决这个问题! I need Microsoft's contact email! I need to solve this problem!

Microsoft 操作系统系列,可跨个人计算机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、手机、物联网设备、独立混合现实头戴显示设备、大型协作屏幕和其他设备运行。
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Windows 硬件性能
Windows 硬件性能
Windows: Microsoft 操作系统系列,可跨个人计算机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、手机、物联网设备、独立混合现实头戴显示设备、大型协作屏幕和其他设备运行。硬件性能: 交付/提供硬件或硬件系统,或调节/调整硬件或硬件系统。
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