使用 SDK 进行身份验证
本文介绍必应广告 SDK 的身份验证和基本服务调用。
SDK 默认使用生产环境。 使用 .NET 和 Java SDK,可以将其更改为具有全局配置的沙盒。 而全局配置不适用于 PHP 和 Python SDK,你可以创建全局配置或其他自定义解决方案。
// Set the BingAdsEnvironment key to Sandbox within the <appSettings> node
// of your project root's Web.config file (for web apps) or App.config file (for native apps).
<add key="BingAdsEnvironment" value ="Sandbox"/>
// Create a new text file named bingads.properties within your project source root directory
// e.g. **ProjectName\src\bingads.properties** and add only the following text.
// If the sandbox environment setting is malformed or missing, the default environment is production.
还可以设置单个批量Service Manager、服务客户端和报表Service Manager实例的 API 环境参数。 设置 apiEnvironment 将仅覆盖一个或多个指定服务客户端实例的全局设置。 除非另有预期,否则应注意不要无意中配置一组混合环境。
BulkServiceManager 和 ReportingServiceManager 可用于 .NET、Java 和 Python SDK。
BulkServiceManager BulkService = new BulkServiceManager(authorizationData, ApiEnvironment.Sandbox);
ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> Service = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(authorizationData, ApiEnvironment.Sandbox);
ReportingServiceManager ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData, ApiEnvironment.Sandbox);
BulkServiceManager BulkService = new BulkServiceManager(authorizationData, ApiEnvironment.SANDBOX);
ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> CustomerService =
new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
ReportingServiceManager ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData, ApiEnvironment.SANDBOX);
$customerProxy = new ServiceClient(ServiceClientType::CustomerManagementVersion13, $authorizationData, ApiEnvironment::Sandbox);
# Set the environment property of each ServiceClient instance to 'sandbox' (not case sensitive).
# If the sandbox environment setting is malformed or missing, the default environment is production.
# Once the environment is initialized you may not reset it for the service client instance.
# To switch between sandbox and production, you must create a new service client instance.
bulk_service_manager = BulkServiceManager(
version = 13,
poll_interval_in_milliseconds = 5000,
environment = 'sandbox',
customer_service = ServiceClient(
version = 13,
environment = 'sandbox',
reporting_service_manager = ReportingServiceManager(
version = 13,
poll_interval_in_milliseconds = 5000,
environment = 'sandbox',
使用 OAuth
必应广告 SDK 支持 OAuth 2.0 授权框架中详细定义的标准 OAuth 2.0 流。SDK 中的 OAuth 类提取低级用户授权详细信息,例如设置授权和重定向 URI 的格式、设置请求标头以及分析重定向流量和响应流。 若要将 OAuth 与必应广告 .NET SDK 配合使用,必须将 AuthorizationData 对象的 Authentication 属性设置为身份验证派生类,例如 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant、OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant 或 OAuthDesktopMobileImplicitGrant。
对于重复或长期身份验证,应遵循授权代码授予流来获取访问令牌。 以下步骤遵循授权代码授予流。 有关注册应用程序和授权代码授予流的详细信息,请参阅 使用 OAuth 进行身份验证。
创建 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant 的实例,该实例将用于管理 Microsoft 帐户用户授权。 将客户端 ID (已注册的应用程序 ID) 、客户端密码 (注册的密码) 和重定向 URI 替换为注册应用程序时配置的值。
var oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant = new OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant(ClientId, ClientSecret, new Uri(RedirectionUri), ApiEnvironment); // It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent // cross site request forgery (CSRF). oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.State = "ClientStateGoesHere";
OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant = new OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant(ClientId, ClientSecret, new URL(RedirectionUri), ApiEnvironment); // It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent // cross site request forgery (CSRF). oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.setState("ClientStateGoesHere");
// Prepare the OAuth object for use with the authorization code grant flow. // It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent // cross site request forgery (CSRF). $authentication = (new OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant()) ->withClientId(ClientId) ->withClientSecret(ClientSecret) ->withEnvironment(ApiEnvironment) ->withRedirectUri('https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . RedirectUri) ->withState(rand(0,999999999)); // Assign this authentication instance to the global authorization_data. $_SESSION['AuthorizationData'] = (new AuthorizationData()) ->withAuthentication($authentication) ->withDeveloperToken(AuthHelper::DeveloperToken); $_SESSION['state'] = $_SESSION['AuthorizationData']->Authentication->State;
oauth_web_auth_code_grant = OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant( client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, env=ENVIRONMENT, redirection_uri=REDIRECTION_URI ) # It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent # cross site request forgery (CSRF). oauth_web_auth_code_grant.state="ClientStateGoesHere"
通过 Web 浏览器控件连接到 Microsoft 帐户授权终结点,请求用户同意。 调用在上一步中创建的 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant 实例的 GetAuthorizationEndpoint 方法。
return Redirect(oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.GetAuthorizationEndpoint().ToString());
URL authorizationEndpoint = oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.getAuthorizationEndpoint(); response.sendRedirect(authorizationEndpoint.toString());
// The user needs to provide consent for the application to access their Microsoft Advertising accounts. header('Location: '. $_SESSION['AuthorizationData']->Authentication->GetAuthorizationEndpoint());
系统会通过 Microsoft 帐户授权 Web 浏览器控件提示用户授予应用程序管理其 Microsoft Advertising 帐户的权限。
授权服务使用重定向 URI 调用回应用程序,如果用户授权应用程序管理其 Microsoft Advertising 帐户,该 URI 将包含授权代码。 例如,如果用户授予应用程序管理其 Microsoft Advertising 帐户的权限,则回调 URL 包含如下授权代码: https://contoso.com/redirect/?code=CODE&state=ClientStateGoesHere。 如果用户授予应用程序管理其 Microsoft Advertising 帐户的权限,则应在下一步中立即使用该代码。 授权代码的短时间(大约 5 分钟)可能会更改。
如果用户拒绝了应用程序管理其 Microsoft Advertising 帐户的权限,则回调 URI 包括错误和错误说明字段,如下所示: REDIRECTURI?error=access_denied&error_description=ERROR_DESCRIPTION&state=ClientStateGoesHere。
使用授权代码请求访问令牌和刷新令牌。 使用 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant 实例请求访问令牌和刷新令牌时传递完整的回调 URI。
if (Request["code"] != null) { await oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(Request.Url); }
if (request.getParameter("code") != null) { oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.requestAccessAndRefreshTokens(new URL(request.getRequestURL() + "?" + request.getQueryString())); }
if($_GET['code'] != null) { $_SESSION['AuthorizationData']->Authentication->RequestOAuthTokensByResponseUri($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); header('Location: '. '/CallBingAdsServices.php'); }
oauth_web_auth_code_grant.request_oauth_tokens_by_response_uri(RESPONSE_URI) oauth_tokens = oauth_web_auth_code_grant.oauth_tokens access_token = oauth_tokens.access_token
如果此步骤成功,则应用程序有权管理用户的 Microsoft Advertising 帐户。 若要调用必应广告 API 服务操作,应使用包含 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant 实例的 AuthorizationData 初始化 Service Client、Bulk Service Manager 或 Reporting Service Manager。
有关详细信息,请参阅 使用 AuthorizationData、 使用服务客户端、 使用 BulkServiceManager 和使用 ReportingServiceManager。
BulkServiceManager 和 ReportingServiceManager 可用于 .NET、Java 和 Python SDK。
使用服务客户端、批量Service Manager或报告Service Manager调用必应广告 API 服务操作时,请务必在收到新的 OAuth 令牌时保存最新的刷新令牌。
// If you already have a refresh token, use it to request new access and refresh tokens. if (GetRefreshToken(out refreshToken)) { oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(refreshToken); } // When calling Bing Ads API service operations with Service Client, Bulk Service Manager, or Reporting Service Manager, // each instance will refresh your access token automatically if they detect the AuthenticationTokenExpired (109) error code. // It is important to save the most recent refresh token whenever new OAuth tokens are received. // You will want to subscribe to the NewOAuthTokensReceived event handler. oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.NewOAuthTokensReceived += (sender, args) => SaveRefreshToken(args.NewRefreshToken);
// If you already have a refresh token, use it to request new access and refresh tokens. if (refreshToken != null) { oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.requestAccessAndRefreshTokens(refreshToken); } // When calling Bing Ads API service operations with Service Client, Bulk Service Manager, or Reporting Service Manager, // each instance will refresh your access token automatically if they detect the AuthenticationTokenExpired (109) error code. // It is important to save the most recent refresh token whenever new OAuth tokens are received. // You will want to implement event handling using the NewOAuthTokensReceivedListener. oAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.setNewTokensListener(new NewOAuthTokensReceivedListener() { @Override public void onNewOAuthTokensReceived(OAuthTokens newTokens) { saveRefreshToken(newTokens.getRefreshToken()); } });
// If you already have a refresh token, use it to request new access and refresh tokens. $_SESSION['AuthorizationData']->Authentication->RequestOAuthTokensByRefreshToken($refreshToken);
# When calling Bing Ads API service operations with Service Client, Bulk Service Manager, or Reporting Service Manager, # each instance will refresh your access token automatically if they detect the AuthenticationTokenExpired (109) error code. # It is important to save the most recent refresh token whenever new OAuth tokens are received. # You will want to register a callback function to automatically save the refresh token anytime it is refreshed. # For example if you defined have a save_refresh_token() method that securely stores your refresh token, # set the authentication token_refreshed_callback property of each OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant instance. oauth_web_auth_code_grant.token_refreshed_callback=save_refresh_token # If you already have a refresh token, use it to request new access and refresh tokens. if refresh_token is not None: oauth_web_auth_code_grant.request_oauth_tokens_by_refresh_token(refresh_token)
刷新令牌最长可以持续 90 天。 无论如何,如果 Microsoft 帐户用户更改了密码、从受信任的设备列表中删除了设备,或者删除了应用程序代表其进行身份验证的权限,则应从步骤 1 重新开始并请求用户同意。
使用 AuthorizationData
AuthorizationData 类包含 Microsoft Advertising 用于授权用户的属性。 Service Client、Bulk Service Manager 和 Reporting Service Manager 类可处理常见的请求标头字段,使你能够在 AuthorizationData 对象中为每个服务指定一次 Authentication、CustomerId、AccountId 和 DeveloperToken 属性。
BulkServiceManager 和 ReportingServiceManager 可用于 .NET、Java 和 Python SDK。
以下代码块演示如何创建 AuthorizationData 实例并设置其 Authentication、 CustomerId、 AccountId 和 DeveloperToken 属性。
var authorizationData = new AuthorizationData
Authentication = <AuthenticationGoesHere>,
CustomerId = <CustomerIdGoesHere>,
AccountId = <AccountIdGoesHere>,
DeveloperToken = "<DeveloperTokenGoesHere>"
static AuthorizationData authorizationData = new AuthorizationData();
$authorizationData = (new AuthorizationData())
authorization_data = AuthorizationData(
authentication = <AuthenticationGoesHere>,
customer_id = <CustomerIdGoesHere>,
account_id = <AccountIdGoesHere>,
developer_token = '<DeveloperTokenGoesHere>'
Authentication 属性必须设置为身份验证派生类,例如 OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant、OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant 或 OAuthDesktopMobileImplicitGrant。
某些服务(如 Customer Management)不接受 CustomerId 和 CustomerAccountId 标头,因此,如果在 AuthorizationData 对象中指定它们,它们将被忽略。
可以使用 ServiceClient 类的实例来调用其中一个 Microsoft Advertising Web 服务的任何方法。 ServiceClient 类处理常见的请求标头字段,允许为每个服务在 AuthorizationData 对象中指定一次 Authentication、CustomerId、AccountId 和 DeveloperToken 属性。
如果使用批量或报告服务,请使用批量Service Manager或报告Service Manager而不是 ServiceClient。 例如,批量Service Manager会将下载请求提交到批量服务,轮询服务直到完成,然后将文件下载到请求中指定的本地目录。 你将节省更多时间,因为无需编写或分析上传文件或结果文件。
// The primary method of the ServiceClient class is CallAsync. The method parameter is the delegate
// for the service operation that you want to call. The request parameter of this method must be a
// request message corresponding to the name of the service operation specified by the first request parameter.
// The request message must match the service operation that is specified as the delegate in the first request.
public async Task<TResponse> CallAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(
Func<TService, TRequest, Task<TResponse>> method, TRequest request)
// In the following sample, the method delegate is (s, r) => s.GetUserAsync(r) which takes a GetUserRequest
// message as the request parameter (TRequest) and returns a GetUserResponse message (TResponse).
private async Task<User> GetUserAsync(long? userId)
var request = new GetUserRequest
UserId = userId
return (await _customerService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.GetUserAsync(r), request)).User;
// You can use the Customer Management service to get the current authenticated user.
ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> CustomerService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
java.lang.Long userId = null;
final GetUserRequest getUserRequest = new GetUserRequest();
// If you updated the authorization data such as account ID or you want to call a new operation,
// you must call getService to set the latest request headers.
// As a best practice you should use getService when calling any service operation.
User user = CustomerService.getService().getUser(getUserRequest).getUser();
// You can use a single instance of the ServiceClient class to call any methods in the service,
// for example you can set the CustomerManagementVersion13 service client type as follows.
$customerProxy = new ServiceClient(ServiceClientType::CustomerManagementVersion13, $authorizationData, ApiEnvironment::Sandbox);
# You can use the Customer Management service to get the current authenticated user.
customer_service = ServiceClient(
version = 13,
environment = ENVIRONMENT,
user = customer_service.GetUser(UserId = None).User
如果在请求参数(例如 GetUserRequest)中设置 AuthenticationToken、CustomerId、AccountId 或 DeveloperToken 标头元素,它们将被忽略。 服务客户端 始终使用初始化时提供的 AuthorizationData 。