
此示例演示如何邀请用户管理 Microsoft Advertising 帐户。


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若要获取 Microsoft Advertising 用户的访问权限和刷新令牌,并使用必应广告 API 进行首次服务调用,请参阅 快速入门 指南。 你需要查看首选语言(例如 C#JavaPhpPython)的入门指南和演练。

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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement;
using Microsoft.BingAds;
using System.Globalization;

namespace BingAdsExamplesLibrary.V13
    /// <summary>
    /// How to invite a user to manage your advertising accounts.
    /// </summary>
    public class InviteUser : ExampleBase
        // Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
        // The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
        // with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.

        const string UserInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";
        public override string Description
            get { return "Invite a User to Manage accounts | Customer Management V13"; }

        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                OutputStatusMessage("You must edit this example to provide the email address (UserInviteRecipientEmail) for " +
                                    "the user invitation.");
                OutputStatusMessage("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.");

                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                CustomerManagementExampleHelper CustomerManagementExampleHelper = new CustomerManagementExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CustomerManagementExampleHelper.CustomerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                // Prepare to invite a new user
                var userInvitation = new UserInvitation
                    // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
                    // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
                    CustomerId = authorizationData.CustomerId,

                    // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
                    // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
                    // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.
                    AccountIds = null,

                    // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
                    // The identifier for an advertiser campaign manager is 16.
                    RoleId = 16,

                    // The email address where the invitation should be sent. 
                    Email = UserInviteRecipientEmail,

                    // The first name of the user. 
                    FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere",

                    // The last name of the user. 
                    LastName = "LastNameGoesHere",

                    // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
                    Lcid = LCID.EnglishUS,

                // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
                // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Microsoft Advertising web application. 

                var userInvitationId = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.SendUserInvitationAsync(
                    userInvitation: userInvitation))?.UserInvitationId;
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Sent new user invitation to {0}.", UserInviteRecipientEmail));

                // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
                // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
                // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
                // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
                // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
                // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
                // is through the Microsoft Advertising web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
                // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

                // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
                // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
                // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
                // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
                // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

                var predicate = new Predicate
                    Field = "CustomerId",
                    Operator = PredicateOperator.In,
                    Value = authorizationData.CustomerId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                var userInvitations = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.SearchUserInvitationsAsync(
                    predicates: new[] { predicate }))?.UserInvitations;

                // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Microsoft Advertising user details. 
                // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
                // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
                // to accepted User. 

                var usersInfo = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.GetUsersInfoAsync(
                    customerId: authorizationData.CustomerId,
                    statusFilter: null))?.UsersInfo;

                foreach (var info in usersInfo)
                    var getUserResponse = await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.GetUserAsync(
                        userId: info.Id);
                    var user = getUserResponse.User;
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Customer Management AdApiFaultDetail service exceptions
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            // Catch Customer Management ApiFault service exceptions
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement.ApiFault> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            // Catch other .NET framework exceptions
            catch (Exception ex)
package com.microsoft.bingads.examples.v13;

import com.microsoft.bingads.*;
import com.microsoft.bingads.v13.customermanagement.*;

public class InviteUser extends ExampleBase {
    // Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
    // The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
    // with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.
    final static java.lang.String UserInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";
    public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
            outputStatusMessage("You must edit this example to provide the email address (UserInviteRecipientEmail) for " +
                "the user invitation.");
            outputStatusMessage("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.");
            authorizationData = getAuthorizationData(); 
            java.lang.Long customerId = authorizationData.getCustomerId();
            CustomerManagementExampleHelper.CustomerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
            // Prepare to invite a new user
            UserInvitation userInvitation = new UserInvitation();
            // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
            // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.

            // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
            // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user�s customer, 
            // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.

            // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
            // For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager.

            // The email address where the invitation should be sent. 

            // The first name of the user. 

            // The last name of the user. 

            // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
            // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
            // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application.
            java.lang.Long userInvitationId = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.sendUserInvitation(
            outputStatusMessage(String.format("Sent new user invitation to %s.", UserInviteRecipientEmail));

            // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
            // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
            // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
            // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
            // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
            // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
            // is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
            // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

            // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
            // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
            // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
            // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
            // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

            ArrayOfPredicate predicates = new ArrayOfPredicate();
            Predicate predicate = new Predicate();
            ArrayOfUserInvitation userInvitations = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.searchUserInvitations(

            // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
            // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
            // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
            // to accepted User. 

            ArrayOfUserInfo usersInfo = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.getUsersInfo(
            for (UserInfo userInfo : usersInfo.getUserInfos())
                GetUserResponse getUserResponse = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.getUser(
                User user = getUserResponse.getUser();
        catch (Exception ex) {
            String faultXml = ExampleExceptionHelper.getBingAdsExceptionFaultXml(ex, System.out);
            String message = ExampleExceptionHelper.handleBingAdsSDKException(ex, System.out);

namespace Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13;

// For more information about installing and using the Bing Ads PHP SDK, 
// see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838593.

require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

require_once __DIR__ . "/CustomerManagementExampleHelper.php";

include __DIR__ . "/AuthHelper.php";

use SoapVar;
use SoapFault;
use Exception;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\LCID;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\Predicate;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\PredicateOperator;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\UserInvitation;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\Auth classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\Auth\ServiceClient;
use Microsoft\BingAds\Auth\ServiceClientType;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\Samples classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13\AuthHelper;
use Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13\CustomerManagementExampleHelper;

// Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
// It is important to note that the recipient can accept the invitation 
// and sign into Bing Ads with a Microsoft account different than the invitation email address.
$userInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";

    print("You must edit this example to provide the email address (userInviteRecipientEmail) for the user invitation.\r\n");
    print("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.\r\n");

    // Authenticate user credentials and set the account ID for the sample.  

    $customerId = $GLOBALS['AuthorizationData']->CustomerId;

    // Prepare to invite a new user
    $userInvitation = new UserInvitation();
    // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
    // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
    $userInvitation->CustomerId = $customerId;

    // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
    // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
    // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.
    $userInvitation->AccountIds = null;

    // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
    // For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager.
    $userInvitation->RoleId = 16;

    // The email address where the invitation should be sent. This element can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
    $userInvitation->Email = $userInviteRecipientEmail;

    // The first name of the user. This element can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
    $userInvitation->FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere";

    // The last name of the user. This element can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
    $userInvitation->LastName = "LastNameGoesHere";

    // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
    $userInvitation->Lcid = LCID::EnglishUS;
    // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
    // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application. 

    $userInvitationId = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::SendUserInvitation(
    printf("Sent new user invitation to %s.\r\n", $userInviteRecipientEmail);

    // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
    // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
    // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
    // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
    // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
    // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
    // is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
    // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

    // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
    // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
    // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
    // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
    // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

    $predicates = array();
    $predicate = new Predicate();
    $predicate->Field = "CustomerId";
    $predicate->Operator = PredicateOperator::In;
    $predicate->Value = $customerId;
    $predicates[] = $predicate;
    $userInvitations = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::SearchUserInvitations(

    // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
    // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
    // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
    // to accepted User. 

    $usersInfo = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::GetUsersInfo(
    foreach ($usersInfo->UserInfo as $userInfo)
        $getUserResponse = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::GetUser(
        $user = $getUserResponse->User;
catch (SoapFault $e)
    printf("-----\r\nFault Code: %s\r\nFault String: %s\r\nFault Detail: \r\n", $e->faultcode, $e->faultstring);
    print "-----\r\nLast SOAP request/response:\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetWsdl() . "\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetService()->__getLastRequest()."\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetService()->__getLastResponse()."\r\n";
catch (Exception $e)
    // Ignore fault exceptions that we already caught.
    if ($e->getPrevious())
    { ; }
        print $e->getCode()." ".$e->getMessage()."\r\n";
        print $e->getTraceAsString()."\r\n";
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from auth_helper import *
from customermanagement_example_helper import *

# You must provide credentials in auth_helper.py.

# Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
# The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
# with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.
INVITE_EMAIL_TO = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere"

def main(authorization_data):
        output_status_message("You must edit this example to provide the email address (e.g. {0}) for " \
                              "the user invitation.".format(INVITE_EMAIL_TO))
        output_status_message("Login as a Super Admin user to send a user invitation.")

        # Prepare to invite a new user
        user_invitation = customer_service.factory.create('ns5:UserInvitation')

        # The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
        # The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
        user_invitation.CustomerId = authorization_data.customer_id

        # Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
        # Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
        # and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.

        #The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
        #For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager. 
        user_invitation.RoleId = 16

        # The email address where the invitation should be sent. 
        user_invitation.Email = INVITE_EMAIL_TO

        # The first name of the user. 
        user_invitation.FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere"

        # The last name of the user. 
        user_invitation.LastName = "LastNameGoesHere"

        # The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
        user_invitation.Lcid = 'EnglishUS'
        # Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
        # You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application. 

        output_status_message("Sent new user invitation to {0}.".format(INVITE_EMAIL_TO))
        output_status_message("UserInvitationId: {0}".format(user_invitation_id))

        # It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
        # which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
        # different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
        # and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
        # any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
        # pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
        # is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
        # in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

        # Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
        # the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
        # to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
        # The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
        # Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

        predicates = {
            'Predicate': [
                    'Field': 'CustomerId',
                    'Operator': 'In',
                    'Value': authorization_data.customer_id,

        user_invitations = customer_service.SearchUserInvitations(
            Predicates = predicates

        # After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
        # Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
        # the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
        # to accepted User. 

        users_info = customer_service.GetUsersInfo(

        for info in users_info['UserInfo']:            
            user = get_user_response.User
    except WebFault as ex:
    except Exception as ex:

# Main execution
if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Loading the web service client proxies...")



必应广告 API 入门