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适用于 SAP 应用程序数据连接器代理 systemconfig.json 文件的 Microsoft Sentinel 解决方案参考

systemconfig.json 文件用于配置从命令行部署时适用于 SAP 的 Microsoft Sentinel 应用程序数据连接器代理的行为。 本文介绍了配置文件各个部分中可用的选项。

本文中的内容适用于 SAP BASIS 团队,并且仅当数据连接器代理从命令行部署时才相关。 建议改为从门户部署数据连接器代理


对于 2023 年 6 月 22 日或之后发布的代理版本,适用于 SAP 的 Microsoft Sentinel 解决方案应用程序使用 systemconfig.json 文件。 对于以前的代理版本,仍必须使用 systemconfig.ini 文件。


以下代码显示了 systemconfig.json 文件的总体结构:


"<SID_GUID>": { 

    "secrets_source": {...},

    "abap_central_instance": {...},

    "azure_credentials": {...},

    "file_extraction_abap": {...},

    "file_extraction_java": {...},

    "logs_activation_status" {...},

    "connector_configuration": {...},

    "abap_table_selector": {...}



下表描述了 systemconfig.json 文件中的各个整体部分:

节名称 描述
机密源 定义存储凭证的位置。
ABAP 中心实例 定义要连接到的 SAP 实例的常规选项。
Azure 凭证 定义用于连接到 Azure Log Analytics 的凭证。
文件提取 ABAP 定义使用 SAPControl 接口从 ABAP 服务器提取的日志和凭证。
文件提取 JAVA 使用 SAPControl 接口从 JAVA 服务器提取的日志和凭证。
日志激活状态 定义从 ABAP 中提取的日志。
连接器配置 定义其他连接器选项。
ABAP 表选择器 定义从 ABAP 系统中提取哪些用户主数据日志。




"secrets_source": {
  # Storage location of SAP credentials and Log Analytics workspace ID and key
  # AZURE_KEY_VAULT - store in an Azure Key Vault. Requires keyvault option and intprefix option
  # DOCKER_FIXED - store in systemconfig.json file. Requires user, passwd, loganalyticswsid and publickey options

  "keyvault": "<vaultname>",
  # Azure Keyvault name, in case secrets = AZURE_KEY_VAULT

  "intprefix": "<prefix>"
  # intprefix - Prefix for variables created in Azure Key Vault


ABAP 中心实例



"abap_central_instance": {
      "auth_type": "PLAIN_USER_AND_PASSWORD|SNC_WITH_X509",
      # Authentication type - username/password authentication, or X.509 authentication

      "ashost": "<hostname>",
      # FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the ABAP server

      "mshost": "<hostname>",
      # FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the Message server

      "msserv": "<portnumber>",
      # Port number, or service name (from /etc/services) of the message server

      "group": "<logon group>",
      # Logon group of the message server

      "sysnr": "<Instance number>",
      # Instance number of the ABAP server

      "sysid": "<SID>",
      # System ID of the ABAP server

      "client": "<Client Number>",
      # Client number of the ABAP server

      "user": "<username>",
      # Username to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

      "passwd": "<password>",
      # Password to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

      "snc_lib": "<path to libsapcrypto>",
      # Full path, to the libsapcrypto.so
      # Used when SNC is in use
      # !!! Note - the path must be valid within the container.

      "snc_partnername": "<distinguished name of the server certificate>",
      # p: -prefixed valid SAP server SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of SAP server PSE
      # Used when SNC is in use

      "snc_qop": "<SNC protection level>",
      # More information available at docs.oracle.com/cd/E19509-01/820-5064/ggrpj/index.html
      # Used when SNC is in use

      "snc_myname": "<distinguished name of the client certificate>",
      # p: -prefixed valid client SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of client PSE
      # Used when SNC is in use

      "x509cert": "<server certificate>"
      # Base64 encoded server certificate value in a single line (with leading ----BEGIN-CERTIFICATE--- and trailing ----END-CERTIFICATE---- removed)

Azure 凭证



 "azure_credentials": {
      "loganalyticswsid": "<workspace ID>",
      # Log Analytics workspace ID. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED

      "publickey": "<publickey>"
      # Log Analytics workspace primary or secondary key. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED


文件提取 ABAP



"file_extraction_abap": {
      "osuser": "<SAPControl username>",
      # Username to use to authenticate to SAPControl

      "ospasswd": "<SAPControl password>",
      # Password to use to authenticate to SAPControl

      "appserver": "<server>",
      #SAPControl server hostname/fqdn/IP address

      "instance": "<instance>",
      #SAPControl instance number

      "abapseverity": "<severity>",
      # 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error

      "abaptz": "<timezone>"
      # GMT FORMAT
      # example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12

文件提取 JAVA



"file_extraction_java": {
      "javaosuser": "<username>",
      # Username to use to authenticate to JAVA server

      "javaospasswd": "<password>",
      # Password to use to authenticate to JAVA server

      "javaappserver": "<server>",
      #JAVA server hostname/fqdn/IP address

      "javainstance": "<instance number>",
      #JAVA instance number

      "javaseverity": "<severity>",
      # 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error

      "javatz": "<timezone>"
      # GMT FORMAT
      # example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12





"logs_activation_status": {
      # GMT FORMAT
      # example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12
      "ABAPAuditLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPJobLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPSpoolLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPSpoolOutputLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPChangeDocsLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPAppLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPWorkflowLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPCRLog": "<True/False>",
      "ABAPTableDataLog": "<True/False>",
      # The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
      "ABAPFilesLogs": "<True/False>",
      "SysLog": "<True/False>",
      "ICM": "<True/False>",
      "WP": "<True/False>",
      "GW": "<True/False>",
      # The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
      "JAVAFilesLogs": "<True/False>",




"connector_configuration": {
      "extractuseremail": "<True/False>",
      "apiretry": "<True/False>",
      "auditlogforcexal": "<True/False>",
      "auditlogforcelegacyfiles": "<True/False>",
      "azure_resource_id": "<Azure _ResourceId>",
      "timechunk": "<value>"

ABAP 表选择器



"abap_table_selector": {
      # Specify True or False to configure whether table should be collected from the SAP system

      "AGR_TCODES_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USR01_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USR02_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USR02_INCREMENTAL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_1251_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_USERS_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_USERS_INCREMENTAL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_PROF_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "UST04_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USR21_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "ADR6_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "ADCP_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USR05_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USGRP_USER_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USER_ADDR_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "DEVACCESS_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_DEFINE_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_DEFINE_INCREMENTAL": "<True/False>",
      "PAHI_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "PAHI_INCREMENTAL": "<True/False>",
      "AGR_AGRS_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USRSTAMP_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USRSTAMP_INCREMENTAL": "<True/False>",
      "SNCSYSACL_FULL": "<True/False>",
      "USRACL_FULL": "<True/False>"
