Set up and customize Viva Glint programs

Use prepopulated or blank templates to set up your feedback program. Customize as you like. Use our best design principles and guidance to ensure you have the right program for the people targeted in your organization.

Watch this 5-minute video on Best Practice Survey Design Principles

A well-designed survey asks questions that are relevant to the employee experience, aligns with your company's strategic priorities, and elicits candid and actionable feedback. Learn what the Microsoft Viva People Science research has to share about creating a great survey. Read this eBook about Viva Glint survey design principles.

Use the Holistic Listening Vision and Strategy Discovery Workbook

Articulate your business priorities and needs. Take time to align with your internal stakeholders to build your employee listening strategy and to design a program that reflects the needs of your organization.

Download and complete the Holistic Listening Vision and Strategy Discovery Workbook. This workbook helps you articulate critical business information, which is important to consider alongside your listening strategy and also to track the progress of your goals over time.

Screenshot of the Holistic Listening Vision and Strategy Discover Workbook.

Viva Glint program and cycle cadence

Different needs should determine the cadence of your Viva Glint programs and cycles. Consider other survey programs already in place. Too many surveys simultaneously influence whether you can act on feedback in a timely, meaningful manner. Alternately, consider shifting an annual engagement program from annual to semi-annual or even to quarterly. More frequent surveys allow you to make necessary process and leadership mindset changes needed to maximize the benefits of feedback.

Consider fatigue!

  • Survey fatigue: Most people want to give constructive feedback and want it to be easy. Keep surveys short, relevant, and easy to use. Take quick and visible action on the feedback.
  • Leader fatigue: People have a lot on their plates. Set the expectation that leaders and teams use feedback to help them focus their existing efforts. Can they support each other in better ways to help them achieve their goals?
  • HR fatigue: Human Resources (HR) can be overwhelmed with requests for help to understand and use survey results. Viva Glint's prescribed resources for taking action on Focus Areas are easily added to manager action plans.


The Blank recurring survey template doesn't support adding cycles, so plan accordingly.