Set up Viva Glint Team Conversations Presentation Kit for managers

The last survey setup page in Program Summary is the Coaching page. Managers who have Team Conversations enabled benefit from this extra guidance when admins make it available for them.

Customize the Team Conversations Presentation Kit to help your managers have successful conversations around survey results.

  • Team Conversations must be enabled in Program Setup.
  • If your program is in an approved state, disable the program. Toggle to NO so editing can occur. Select Save changes.
  • The Presentation Kit must be set up before survey results are released.
  • Managers configure the Pick a Focus Area and Choose Action Items sections with their team. They are unable to make any other changes to the presentation.

Presentation Kit section setup

This information applies to each section:

  • The Section Name for each page - used for navigation and can be customized
  • Customize content by selecting Edit to reveal the slider panel - use the default text content provided or customize
  • Preview - at any time
  • Save Changes - after editing each section
  • Each translation added autosaves after another language is selected - multiple language selections autosave.


Add your spin to the first slide to welcome the team.

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Conversation Title - Fill in the macro fields to personalize the slide title


Personalize headings and body content for three conversation points. You must include at least three conversation points. Use the + button to add macro fields if desired.

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Slide Heading - Customize or use the default
  • Step 1 - Step 3 Header - Use the + button to customize or use the default
  • Step 1 - Step 3 Body - Use the + button to customize or use the default

Reflection Point

The Presentation Kit makes two Reflection Point pages available for managers. The first is for the team to consider before reviewing their results; the second is for after viewing results. Both pages can be turned on or off.

  • Show Reflection - Switch the button to ON or OFF to include or exclude the slide
  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Reflection Text - Use the default text or customize by using the + button

How We're Doing

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default

Each of the following slides has prepopulated default text. You can customize the header and thought starter, using macro fields if desired. The presentation must include all the slides provided.

  • Thank You slide
  • High-Level Results slide
  • Biggest Changes slide
  • Relative Strengths slide
  • Relative Opportunities slide
  • Multiple Choice Questions slide - The preview shows all multiple-choice questions, but the actual manager presentation only shows the questions from the applicable cycle.

Pick a Focus Area

This section is where each team collaboratively chooses a Focus Area. Detailed guidance for your manager is available to them directly in their Presentation Kit.

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Slide Heading - Customize or use the default
  • Subtext - Use the default text or customize by using the + button

Choose Action Items

The team works together to identify action items to improve Focus Areas.

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Slide Heading - Customize or use the default
  • Subtext - Use the default text or customize by using the + button.
  • Button Text - Use the default or customize what the manager uses in their presentation.

Summary Page

The summary shown changes depending on whether the manager has marked the conversation as completed.

  • Section Name - Customize or use the default
  • Before Conversation is marked Done
    • Slide Heading - Customize or use the default
    • Subtext - Use the default text or customize by using the + button.
  • After Conversation is marked Done
    • Slide Heading - Customize or use the default.
    • Subtext - Use the default text or customize by using the + button.