

Manage cache nodes using CLI

This article outlines how to create, configure, and deploy Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise cache nodes using Azure CLI.


  1. Install Azure CLI: How to install the Azure CLI
  2. Install Connected Cache extension: Install Connected Cache extension via the command below
az extension add --name mcc

To learn more about installing extensions, see Install the Connected Cache extension.

1. Create a Resource group

The first step is to create a resource group if you don't already have one. An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

To create a resource group, use az group create. You can find more details on this CLI command here.

az group create --name myrg --location westus

Once the resource group is created, you'll need to create a Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise resource.

2. Create a Connected Cache Azure resource

A Connected Cache Azure resource is a top-level Azure resource under which cache nodes can be created.

To create a Connected Cache Azure resource, use az mcc ent resource create

az mcc ent resource create --mcc-resource-name mymccresource --resource-group myrg


In the output, look for operationStatus. operationStatus = Succeeded indicates that our services have successfully started creating your Connected Cache resource.

The next step is to create a cache node under this resource.

3. Create a cache node

To create a cache node, use az mcc ent node create

az mcc ent node create --cache-node-name mycachenode --mcc-resource-name mymccresource --resource-group myrg --host-os <linux or windows>


In the output, look for operationStatus. operationStatus = Succeeded indicates that our services have successfully started creating cache node.

4. Confirm cache node creation

Before you can start configuring your cache node, you need to confirm that the cache node was successfully created.

To confirm cache node creation, use az mcc ent node show

az mcc ent node show --cache-node-name mycachenode --mcc-resource-name mymccresource --resource-group myrg  


In the output look for cacheNodeState. If cacheNodeState = Not Configured, you can continue with cache node configuration. If cacheNodeState = Registration in Progress, then the cache node is still in process of being created. Please wait for a minute or two more and run the command again.

Once successful cache node creation is confirmed, you can proceed to configure the cache node.

5. Configure cache node

To configure your cache node, use az mcc ent node update

The below example configures a Linux cache node with proxy enabled:

az mcc ent node update --cache-node-name <mycachenode> --mcc-resource-name <mymccresource> --resource-group <myrg>
--cache-drive "[{physical-path:</physical/path>,size-in-gb:<size of cache drive>},{</physical/path>,size-in-gb:<size of cache drive>}...]"> --proxy <enabled> --proxy-host <"proxy host name"> --proxy-port <proxy port>  --auto-update-day <day of week> --auto-update-time <time of day> --auto-update-week <week of month> --auto-update-ring <update ring>


  • For a cache node that is to be deployed on Windows host OS, the physical path of the cache drive must be /var/mcc.
  • In the output, look for operationStatus. operationStatus = Succeeded indicates that our services have successfully updated the cache node. You will also see that cacheNodeState will show Not Provisioned.
  • Please save values for physicalPath, sizeInGb, proxyPort, proxyHostName as these values will be needed to construct the provisioning script.

6. Get provisioning details for the cache node

After successfully configuring the cache node, the next step is to deploy the cache node to a host machine. To deploy the cache node, you'll need to create a provisioning script with relevant information.

To get the relevant information for provisioning script, use az mcc ent node get-provisioning-details

az mcc ent node get-provisioning-details --cache-node-name mycachenode --mcc-resource-name mymccresource --resource-group myrg


  • Save the resulting values for cacheNodeId, customerKey, mccResourceId, registrationKey. These GUIDs are needed to create the provisioning script.
  • In the output look for cacheNodeState. If cacheNodeState = Not Provisioned, you can continue with cache node provisioning.
  • If cacheNodeState = Not Configured, then the cache node has not been configured. Configure the cache node before provisioning.

Next step

To deploy the cache node to a Windows host machine, see

To deploy the cache node to a Linux host machine, see

Example script to bulk create and configure multiple cache nodes:

Below is a pseudocode example of how to script bulk creation and configuration of a Connected Cache Azure resource and multiple Connected Cache cache nodes:

#Define variables
$mccResourceName = "myMCCResource"
$cacheNodeName = "demo-node"
$cacheNodeOperatingSystem = "Windows"
$resourceGroup = "myRG"
$resourceLocation = "westus"
$cacheNodesToCreate = 2
$proxyHost = "myProxy.com"
$proxyPort = "8080"
$waitTime = 3

# Create Microsoft Connected Cache Azure resource
az mcc ent resource create --mcc-resource-name $mccResourceName --location $resourceLocation --resource-group $resourceGroup

#Loop through $cacheNodesToCreate iterations
for ($cacheNodeNumber = 1; $cacheNodeNumber -le $cacheNodesToCreate; $cacheNodeNumber++) {
    $iteratedCacheNodeName = $cacheNodeName + "-" + $cacheNodeNumber
    #Create cache node
    az mcc ent node create --cache-node-name $iteratedCacheNodeName --mcc-resource-name $mccResourceName --host-os $cacheNodeOperatingSystem --resource-group $resourceGroup

    #Get cache node state
    $cacheNodeState = $(az mcc ent node show --cache-node-name $iteratedCacheNodeName --mcc-resource-name $mccResourceName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "cacheNodeState") | ConvertFrom-Json

    $howLong = 0
    #Wait until cache node state returns "Not Configured"
    while ($cacheNodeState -ne "Not Configured") {
        Write-Output "Waiting for cache node creation to complete...$howLong seconds"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitTime
        $howLong += $waitTime
        $cacheNodeState = $(az mcc ent node show --cache-node-name $iteratedCacheNodeName --mcc-resource-name $mccResourceName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "cacheNodeState") | ConvertFrom-Json

    #Configure cache node
    az mcc ent node update --cache-node-name $iteratedCacheNodeName --mcc-resource-name $mccResourceName --resource-group $resourceGroup --cache-drive  "[{physical-path:/var/mcc,size-in-gb:50}]" --proxy enabled --proxy-host $proxyHost --proxy-port $proxyPort