

Introduction to WHEA Management Applications

The Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) provides a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface that allows user-mode applications to perform WHEA management operations. The WHEA management interface is composed of the following WMI provider classes:

This class implements methods for managing the error sources in the system.

This class implements methods for injecting hardware errors into the hardware platform.

A user-mode application calls the methods in these classes indirectly by calling the IWbemServices::ExecMethod method. For more information about how to call methods in WMI provider classes, see the Calling a Provider Method topic in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.

For more information about WMI, see the Windows Management Instrumentation section of the Windows SDK documentation.

Note  The WHEA WMI provider classes are supported in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 and later versions of Windows.