

Set Memory Error Counters (Function Index 31)

This _DSM Interface for Byte Addressable Energy Backed Function Class (Function Interface 1) function sets the counters that track correctable and uncorrectable memory error events to a caller-specified value. The purpose of this function is to enable software validation.



Field Byte length Byte offset Description
Count of DRAM Uncorrectable ECC Errors 1 0 The number of uncorrectable ECC errors detected by the platform from the NVDIMM-N module. The platform shall write this value to the DRAM_ECC_ERROR_COUNT (2, 0x80) register.
Count of DRAM Correctable ECC Error Above Threshold Events 1 1 The number of correctable ECC threshold-exceeded events detected by the platform from the NVDIMM-N module. The platform shall write this value to the DRAM_THRESHOLD_ECC_COUNT (2, 0x81) register.


Field Byte length Byte offset Description
Status 4 0 See _DSM Method Output.

Get NVDIMM-N Health Info (Function Index 11)