

MSFT_ReplicationCapabilities class

Represents the replication capabilities of a storage subsystem.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.


class MSFT_ReplicationCapabilities : MSFT_StorageObject
  UInt16  SupportedObjectTypes[];
  UInt16  SupportedReplicationTypes[];
  UInt32  DefaultRecoveryPointObjective;
  Boolean SupportsReplicationGroup;
  Boolean SupportsEmptyReplicationGroup;
  Boolean SupportsFullDiscovery;
  Boolean SupportsCreateReplicationRelationshipMethod;
  Uint16  SupportedAsynchronousActions[];
  Uint16  SupportedSynchronousActions[];


The MSFT_ReplicationCapabilities class has these types of members:


The MSFT_ReplicationCapabilities class has these methods.

Method Description
GetRecoveryPointData Returns, for a given ReplicationType, recovery point data.
GetSupportedCopyStates Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported copy states.
GetSupportedFeatures Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported features.
GetSupportedGroupCopyStates Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported replication group copy states.
GetSupportedGroupFeatures Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported group features.
GetSupportedGroupOperations Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported operations on a group synchronized association that can be supplied to the ModifyReplicaSynchronization operation.
GetSupportedOperations Returns, for a given ReplicationType, the supported Operations on a StorageSynchronized association that can be supplied to the ModifyReplicaSynchronization operation.


The MSFT_ReplicationCapabilities class has these properties.


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read-only

Default value for recovery point.


Data type: Uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

An enumeration indicating what operations will be executed as asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in both this and SupportedSynchronousActions then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job.


The following methods are not supported asynchronously:

  • AddMembers
  • AddReplicationEntity
  • AddServiceAccessPoint
  • AddSharedSecret
  • CreateGroup
  • DeleteGroup
  • RemoveMembers

CreateElementReplica (2)

CreateGroupReplica (3)

CreateSynchronizationAspect (4)

ModifyReplicaSynchronization (5)

ModifyListSynchronization (6)

ModifySettingsDefineState (7)

GetAvailableTargetElements (8)

GetPeerSystems (9)

GetReplicationRelationships (10)

GetServiceAccessPoints (11)

CreateListReplica (19)

CreateGroupReplicaFromElements (20)

GetReplicationRelationshipInstances (21)

ModifyListSettingsDefineState (22)

CreateRemoteReplicationCollection (23)

AddToRemoteReplicationCollection (24)

RemoveFromRemoteReplicationCollection (25)

GetSynchronizationAspects (26)

GetSynchronizationAspectInstances (27)

CreateGroupReplicaFromElementSynchronizations (28)

AddElementsToGroupSynchronized (29)

ConfirmTargetData (30)

CreateListSynchronizationAspect (31)

DMTF Reserved ("..)

Vendor Specific (0x8000..)


Data type: UInt16 array

Access type: Read-only

An enumeration indicating the supported object types associated with these replication capabilities.

VirtualDisk (2)

Volume (3)

ReplicaPeer (4)

Partition (..)

ReplicationGroup (0x8000)

StorageSubSystem (0x8001)



Data type: UInt16 array

Access type: Write-only

An enumeration indicating the supported SyncType/Mode/Local-or-Remote combinations.

Synchronous Mirror Local (2)

Asynchronous Mirror Local (3)

Synchronous Mirror Remote (4)

Asynchronous Mirror Remote (5)

Synchronous Snapshot Local (6)

Asynchronous Snapshot Local (7)

Synchronous Snapshot Remote (8)

Asynchronous Snapshot Remote (9)

Synchronous Clone Local (10)

Asynchronous Clone Local (11)

Synchronous Clone Remote (12)

Asynchronous Clone Remote (13)

Synchronous TokenizedClone Local (14)

Asynchronous TokenizedClone Local (15)

Synchronous TokenizedClone Remote (16)

Asynchronous TokenizedClone Remote (17)

Adaptive Mirror Local (18)

Adaptive Mirror Remote (19)

Adaptive Snapshot Local (20)

Adaptive Snapshot Remote (21)

Adaptive Clone Local (22)

Adaptive Clone Remote (23)

Adaptive TokenizedClone Local (24)

Adaptive TokenizedClone Remote (25)

DMTF Reserved (..)

Vendor Specific (0x8000..)


Data type: Uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

An enumeration indicating what operations will be executed synchronously without the creation of a job. If an operation is included in both this and SupportedAsynchronousActions then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job.


The following methods are not supported asynchronously:

  • AddMembers
  • AddReplicationEntity
  • AddServiceAccessPoint
  • AddSharedSecret
  • CreateGroup
  • DeleteGroup
  • RemoveMembers

CreateElementReplica (2)

CreateGroupReplica (3)

CreateSynchronizationAspect (4)

ModifyReplicaSynchronization (5)

ModifyListSynchronization (6)

ModifySettingsDefineState (7)

GetAvailableTargetElements (8)

GetPeerSystems (9)

GetReplicationRelationships (10)

GetServiceAccessPoints (11)

CreateGroup (12)

DeleteGroup (13)

AddMembers (14)

RemoveMembers (15)

AddReplicationEntity (16)

AddServiceAccessPoint (17)

AddSharedSecret (18)

CreateListReplica (19)

CreateGroupReplicaFromElements (20)

GetReplicationRelationshipInstances (21)

ModifyListSettingsDefineState (22)

CreateRemoteReplicationCollection (23)

AddToRemoteReplicationCollection (24)

RemoveFromRemoteReplicationCollection (25)

GetSynchronizationAspects (26)

GetSynchronizationAspectInstances (27)

CreateGroupReplicaFromElementSynchronizations (28)

AddElementsToGroupSynchronized (29)

ConfirmTargetData (30)

CreateListSynchronizationAspect (31)

DMTF Reserved ("..)

Vendor Specific (0x8000..)


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

If TRUE, then the CreateReplicationRelationship operation is supported.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

If TRUE, then empty replication groups are allowed.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

If TRUE, then this is a fully discovered model.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

If TRUE, then replication groups are supported.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also
