

IPrintOemUIMXDC COM Interface


The modern print platform is Windows' preferred means of communicating with printers. We recommend that you use Microsoft's IPP inbox class driver, along with Print Support Apps (PSA), to customize the print experience in Windows 10 and 11 for printer device development.

For more information, see the Print support app design guide.

The IPrintOemUIMXDC COM interface enables an XPS filter-pipeline driver to view and modify information that the printer interface DLL for printer configuration manages. The XPS driver accesses this COM interface through a Unidrv or Pscript plug-in.

The following table lists and describes all the methods the IPrintOemUIMXDC interface defines.

Method Description
IPrintOEMUIMXDC::AdjustImageableArea Enables an XPS filter pipeline driver to use UnidrvUI.dll or PS5UI.dll to support configuration of the printable area, including orientation and direction of rotation.
IPrintOEMUIMXDC::AdjustImageCompression Enables an XPS filter pipeline driver to use UnidrvUI.dll or PS5UI.dll to support configuration of compression level for JPEG images.
IPrintOEMUIMXDC::AdjustDPI Enables an XPS filter pipeline driver to use UnidrvUI.dll or PS5UI.dll to support configuration of image resolution.

For more information, see Implementing Printer Driver COM Interfaces.