

IPrintOemUI COM Interface


The modern print platform is Windows' preferred means of communicating with printers. We recommend that you use Microsoft's IPP inbox class driver, along with Print Support Apps (PSA), to customize the print experience in Windows 10 and 11 for printer device development.

For more information, see the Print support app design guide.

The IPrintOemUI COM interface is the means by which the printer interface DLL for Unidrv or Pscript5 communicates with a UI plug-in. The IPrintOemUI interface is implemented by each UI plug-in.

The following table lists and describes all the methods that the IPrintOemUI interface supplies. UI plug-ins must define all listed methods. If a method is not needed, it can simply return E_NOTIMPL.

Method Description
IPrintOemUI::CommonUIProp Enables a UI plug-in to modify an existing printer property sheet page or document property sheet page.
IPrintOemUI::DeviceCapabilities Enables a UI plug-in to specify customized device capabilities.
IPrintOemUI::DevicePropertySheets Enables a UI plug-in to add a new page to a printer device's printer property sheet.
IPrintOemUI::DevMode Performs operations on a UI plug-in's private DEVMODEW members.
IPrintOemUI::DevQueryPrintEx Enables a UI plug-in to help determine if a print job is printable.
IPrintOemUI::DocumentPropertySheets Enables a UI plug-in to add a new page to a printer device's document property sheet.
IPrintOemUI::DriverEvent Called by the print spooler when processing driver-specific events that might require action by the printer driver.
IPrintOemUI::FontInstallerDlgProc Replaces the Unidrv font installer's user interface.
IPrintOemUI::GetInfo (Implementation required.) Returns a UI plug-in's identification information.
IPrintOemUI::PrinterEvent Enables a UI plug-in to process printer events.
IPrintOemUI::PublishDriverInterface (Implementation required.) Supplies a pointer to the Unidrv or Pscript5 driver's IPrintOemDriverUI COM interface, IPrintCoreUI2 COM interface, IPrintCoreHelperPS interface, or IPrintCoreHelperUni interface.
IPrintOemUI::QueryColorProfile Enables a printer interface DLL to specify an ICC profile for color management.
IPrintOemUI::UpdateExternalFonts Enables a printer interface DLL to update a printer's Unidrv font format files.
IPrintOemUI::UpgradePrinter Enables a UI plug-in to upgrade device option values that are stored in the registry.

For more information, see Implementing Printer Driver COM Interfaces.