

Specifying Custom Property Pages for Network Adapters

If the Advanced property page is not suitable for displaying the configuration choices for a Net component (adapter), you can create one or more custom property pages.

To create a custom property page

  1. Create a Microsoft Win32 property page. Then create a property sheet extension DLL that provides AddPropSheetPageProc and ExtensionPropSheetPageProc callback functions. For more information, see the Windows 2000 Platform SDK.

  2. Use the add-registry-section that is referenced by the DDInstall section for the adapter to add the EnumPropPages32 key to the instance key for the adapter. The EnumPropPages32 key has two REG_SZ values: the name of the DLL that exports the ExtensionPropSheetPageProc function and the name of the ExtensionPropSheetPageProc function. The following is an example of an add-registry-section that adds the EnumPropPages32 key:

    HKR, EnumPropPages32, 0, "DLL name, ExtensionPropSheetPageProc function name"
  3. In the INF file for the adapter, include a CopyFiles section that copies the property sheet extension DLL to the Windows\System32 directory. For more information about the CopyFiles section, see INF File Sections and Directives.

  4. In the DDInstall section for the adapter, specify NCF_HAS_UI as one of the Characteristics values to indicate that the adapter supports a user interface. For more information, see DDInstall Section.

  5. After the user applies changes to a property page, the property sheet extension DLL must:

    • Call SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams

    • Set the DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING flag in the SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure supplied by SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams

    • Pass the updated SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure to SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams.

      This reloads the driver so that it can read the changed parameter values.