

NDIS Intermediate Drivers Guide

NDIS intermediate drivers interface between upper-level protocol drivers and miniport drivers. Some applications that might require an intermediate driver include:

  • Media translation between an old transport driver and a miniport driver that manages a media type unknown to the transport driver.

  • Data filtering for security or other purposes.

  • Load Balancing Failover (LBFO) solutions.

  • Monitoring and collecting of network data statistics.

Before attempting to write an intermediate driver, you should read about NDIS miniport and protocol drivers. For more information about NDIS miniport drivers, see NDIS Miniport Drivers. For more information about NDIS protocol drivers, see NDIS Protocol Drivers.

The following sections introduce intermediate drivers and describe how to create and install such drivers:

Roadmap for Developing NDIS Intermediate Drivers

Introduction to NDIS Intermediate Drivers

Writing NDIS Intermediate Drivers

Intermediate Driver Design Concepts

Installing Intermediate Drivers