

netsh mbn test

netsh mbn test is a test kit separate from the normal release version. You need to install the Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) client first to enable this feature.


Install the HLK client to enable the netsh mbn test function in DUT.

Alternatively, you can install HLK Taef Tool in the HLK package (path: installer\HLK-TAEF-TOOL-[arch-language]) to enable netsh mbn test.

Run the test command on the Device Under Test (DUT) that installed the HLK client.


netsh mbn test feature=connectivity param="AccessString=internet"


You can also use the VHLK client to enable the netsh mbn test function in DUT.

Setup: Install VHLK on a host PC and run the script ConfigureTestSetup.ps1 <DUT's IP> from the location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Tests\amd64\Net\logo\Wwan

Then you can run the test command on the DUT.


netsh mbn test feature=connectivity param="AccessString=internet"