

Direct OID Request Interface in NDIS 6.1

NDIS provides a direct OID request interface for NDIS 6.1 and later drivers. The direct OID request path supports OID requests that are queried or set frequently. For example, the IPsec offload version 2 (IPsecOV2) interface provides the OID_TCP_TASK_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ADD_SA OID for direct OID requests.

The direct OID request interface is optional for NDIS drivers. To support the direct OID path, drivers provide entry points and NDIS provides NdisXxx functions for protocol, filter, and miniport drivers.

Note  NDIS supports specific OIDs for use with the direct OID request interface. To determine whether your driver can use an OID in the direct OIDs interface, see the notes in the OID reference page.

For NDIS 6.1, the only interface that uses the direct OID request interface is IPsecOV2. For more information about IPsecOV2, see IPsec Task Offload Version 2 in NDIS 6.1.

For NDIS 6.1 drivers in the Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) operating systems, you can use only the following OIDs with the direct OID request interface:

Miniport drivers and filter drivers must be able to handle direct OID requests that are not serialized. Unlike the standard OID request interface, NDIS does not serialize direct OID requests with other requests that are sent with the direct OID interface or with the standard OID request interface. Also, miniport drivers and filter drivers must be able to handle direct OID requests at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.

For more information about how to implement the direct OID interface in drivers, see the following topics: