

Connection-Oriented Operations Performed by Clients

A connection-oriented client:

  • Opens and closes an address family.

    On receiving notification from NDIS that a call manager or MCM driver has registered an address family, a connection-oriented driver can open that address family with the call manager or MCM driver. The client can then use the call manager services provided by the call manager or MCM driver. A client releases the association between itself and a call manager or MCM driver by closing the address family.

  • Registers and deregisters SAPs.

    After opening an address family with a call manager or an MCM driver, a connection-oriented client can register one or more SAPs with the call manager or MCM driver. The call manager or MCM driver will then indicate to the client any incoming calls addressed to the registered SAPs. A client releases an SAP by deregistering the SAP.

  • Adds and deletes PVCs.

    A connection-oriented client can monitor when an operator manually configures or deconfigures a permanent VC (PVC). In response to such an action, the client can request a call manager or MCM driver to add a PVC to its list of configured PVCs or to delete a PVC from such a list (see OID_CO_ADD_PVC and OID_CO_DELETE_PVC).

  • Makes outgoing calls.

    Before making an outgoing call, a client must initiate the creation of a VC for the call. A client can then make an outgoing call. To make a point-to-multipoint call, a client specifies a party when making the call.

  • Adds a party to or drops a party from a point-to-multipoint call.

    A client can add a party to a point-to-multipoint call and delete a party from a point-to-multipoint call. A client can also respond to an incoming request to drop a party from a point-to-multipoint call.

  • Accepts or rejects an incoming call.

    A client can accept or reject an incoming call that is addressed to a SAP that the client previously registered with a call manager or MCM driver.

  • Negotiates the call parameters for an active VC.

    Depending on what is allowed by the signaling protocol, a client can negotiate the call parameters for an active VC. A client can request a change in quality of service (QoS) and respond to an incoming request to change the QoS for an active VC. A client can also respond to a request from the remote party to change the QoS for a call.

  • Sends and receives packets.

    A client can send packets through a connection-oriented miniport driver or MCM driver. A client can also receive packets through a connection-oriented miniport driver or MCM driver.

  • Initiates the deletion of a VC.

    A client can initiate the deletion of a VC that it created.

  • Initiates the tear-down of a call.

    A client can initiate the tear-down of a outgoing call that it made or an incoming call that it accepted.

  • Queries or sets information.

    A client can query or set information maintained by a bound call manager or the call manager portion of an MCM driver. A client can also respond to queries and sets from a bound call manager or MCM driver.

    In addition, a client can query or set information maintained by a bound miniport driver or the miniport driver portion of a bound MCM driver.

  • Inputsminiport driver status indications.

    A client can input status indicated by a connection-oriented miniport driver or an MCM driver.