

Closing a CoNDIS Call Manager or MCM

When a stand-alone call manager is unbinding from an underlying miniport adapter, the call manager must notify all of the affected CoNDIS clients that they must close the associated AF. To notify each client, NDIS stand-alone call managers call the NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily function.

If a CoNDIS miniport adapter that an MCM manages is halting, the MCM must notify all of the affected clients that they must close the associated AF. To notify each client, the MCMs call the NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily function.

If a stand-alone call manager or MCM calls NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily or NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily, respectively, NDIS calls the ProtocolClNotifyCloseAf function of the CoNDIS client that is associated with the handle in the NdisAfHandle parameter of NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily or NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily. This call notifies the client to close the AF. If NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily or NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily returns NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, NDIS will call the call manager's ProtocolCmNotifyCloseAfComplete function when the close notification operation is complete.

For more information about closing an address family in a CoNDIS client, see Closing an Address Family in a CoNDIS Client.