

Adding Registry Values for a Notify Object

A NetTrans, NetClient, or NetService component can have a notify object that performs one or more of the following actions:

  • Displays a user interface for the component

  • Notifies the component of binding events so that the component can exercise some control over the binding process

  • Conditionally installs or removes software components

Note  NetClient components are deprecated in Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, and later.

For more information about notify objects, see Notify Objects for Network Components.

Note  Net components (adapters) do not support notify objects; therefore, these components should use a co-installer.

For more information about co-installers, see Writing a Co-installer.

If a component has a notify object, the INF file for that component must add (through an add-registry-section) the following values to the component's Ndi key:

A REG_SZ value that specifies the GUID (globally unique identifier) for the notify object. Obtain this GUID by running the uuidgen.exe utility. For more information about this utility, see the Microsoft Windows SDK.

A REG_SZ value that specifies the path to the notify object DLL. The ComponentDll must specify the complete path to the DLL if the DLL is not in the Windows\System32 directory.

The following is an example of an add-registry-section that adds ClsID and ComponentDll values to the Ndi key:

HKR, Ndi, ClsID, 0, "GUID"
HKR, Ndi, ComponentDll, 0, "notifyobject.dll"

The DDInstall section for a component that has a notify object must also contain a CopyFiles directive which references a file-list-section that copies the notify object DLL to the destination directory specified by the DestinationDirs section. For more information about the CopyFiles directive and DestinationDirs sections, see INF File Sections and Directives.