

Verifying the Signature of a Test-Signed Catalog File

To verify that a driver package's catalog file was signed by a valid test certificate, use the following SignTool command:

SignTool verify /v /pa CatalogFileName.cat

To verify that a file, listed in a driver package's catalog file, is signed by a test certificate, use the following SignTool command:

SignTool verify /v /pa /c CatalogFileName.cat DriverFileName


  • The verify command configures SignTool to verify the signature of the driver package's catalog file CatalogFileName.cat or the driver file DriverFileName.

  • The /v option configures SignTool to print execution and warning messages.

  • The /pa option configures SignTool to verify that the signature of the catalog file or driver file complies with the PnP device installation signing requirements.

  • CatalogFileName.cat is the name of the catalog file for a driver package.

  • The /c CatalogFileName.cat option specifies a catalog file that includes an entry for the file DriverFileName.

  • DriverFileName is the name of a file that has an entry in the catalog file CatalogFileName.cat.

Be aware that the SignTool verify command does not explicitly specify the test certificate that was used to sign the catalog file. For the verify operation to succeed, you must first install the test certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store of the local computer that you use to verify the signature. For more information about how to install the test certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store of a local computer, see Installing a Test Certificate on a Test Computer. The installation procedure is the same on both the signing computer and a test computer.

For example, the following command verifies that Tstamd64.cat has a test signature that complies with the PnP device installation signing requirements of Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. In this example, Tstam64.cat is in the same directory in which the command is run.

SignTool verify /v /pa tstamd64.cat