

Property Page Callback Function

When a provider creates a property page for its device or device class, it supplies a pointer to a callback function. The callback function is called one time when the property page is created and again when it is about to be destroyed.

The callback is a PropSheetPageProc function that is described in the Windows SDK documentation. This function must be able to handle the PSPCB_CREATE and PSPCB_RELEASE actions.

The callback is called with a PSPCB_CREATE message when a property page is being created. In response to this message, the callback can allocate memory for data that is associated with the page. The function should return TRUE to continue to create the page or FALSE if the page should not be created.

Property pages for a device are destroyed when the user clicks OK or Cancel on the page's dialog box or clicks Uninstall on the Drivers tab.

When a property page is destroyed, the callback is called with a PSPCB_RELEASE message. The function should free any data that was allocated when the property page was created. Typically, this involves freeing the data referenced by the lParam member of the PROPSHEETPAGE structure. The return value is ignored when the page is being destroyed.