


The WIA_IPA_TYMED property contains the method setting for image transfer . The WIA minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Property Type: VT_I4

Valid Values: WIA_PROP_LIST

Access Rights: Read/write


An application reads the WIA_IPA_TYMED property to determine the minidriver's method of data transfer.

The following table describes the constants that are valid with WIA_IPA_TYMED.

Value Definition
TYMED_CALLBACK This constant is obsolete. Transfer an image to memory, in bands.
TYMED_FILE Transfer an image to a file.
TYMED_MULTIPAGE_CALLBACK This constant is obsolete. Transfer multiple images to memory, in bands.
TYMED_MULTIPAGE_FILE Transfer multiple images to a file.

All WIA 2.0 minidrivers must set the initial value of this property to its default value, which is TYMED_FILE.


Header: wiadef.h (include Wiadef.h)