


The WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT property contains the current scanner acquisition source and mode.

Property Type: VT_I4

Valid Values: WIA_PROP_FLAG

Access Rights: Read/write


An application reads the WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT property to determine the current acquisition source of a scanner, or an application write this property to set the source and mode of the scanner. In addition, applications use this property to enable and disable duplexer functionality. The WIA minidriver creates and maintains this property.

The following table describes the constants that are valid with WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT.

Value Definition
BACK_FIRST Scan the back of the document first. This value is valid only when DUPLEX is set.
BACK_ONLY Scan the back only. This value is valid only when DUPLEX is set.
DUPLEX Scan by using duplexer operations.
FRONT_FIRST Scan the front of the document first. This value is valid only when DUPLEX is set.
FRONT_ONLY Scan the front only.

The values DUPLEX and FRONT_ONLY are mutually exclusive--set one or the other, but not both.

The following table describes the constants that are valid with this property with Microsoft Windows XP but are obsolete with Windows Vista and later.

Value Definition
AUTO_ADVANCE Enable automatic feeding of the next document after a scan.
FEEDER Scan by using the document feeder.
FLATBED Scan by using the flatbed.
NEXT_PAGE Scan the next page of the document.
PREFEED Enable pre-feed mode. Preposition the next document while scanning.


Version: Obsolete, use the WIA_IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT property instead.

Header: wiadef.h (include Wiadef.h)

See also