

Uploading Data to a Device

To transfer data from the application to the device, you must use the IWiaTransfer::Upload method. The application provides the data stream, which is used as the data source rather than the destination. Similarly, the driver calls IStream::Read instead of IStream::Write in the upload situation.

Notice that this upload procedure can be performed only on an item that already exists. This procedure cannot be completed if the application attempts to upload a new file to a device with storage, because there is no item to represent that file yet.

To create new content on the device, such as a new file on the device storage, the application should:

  1. Create a WIA item by calling IWiaItem2::CreateChildItem on the folder that will be the item's parent.

  2. Call QueryInterface for IWiaTransfer, and then call IWiaTransfer::Upload.

The driver should process the call to IWiaTransfer::Upload accordingly. For example, if the WIA item is a new item, the driver should create the file and save the contents of the source stream that is provided in IWiaTransfer::Upload to the device storage.

The IWiaTransfer, IWiaItem2, IwiaDataTransfer, and IStream interfaces are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.

This section includes:

Driver Behavior on Upload