

IWiaDrvItem COM interface

The IWiaDrvItem interface provides methods that a WIA minidriver uses to manage a tree of IWiaDrvItem items. These methods allow a WIA minidriver to manipulate IWiaDrvItem objects.

The IWiaDrvItem interface supplies the following methods.

Method Description
IWiaDrvItem::AddItemToFolder Adds the IWiaDrvItem object to a folder.
IWiaDrvItem::DumpItemData Dumps private driver item data.
IWiaDrvItem::FindChildItemByName Locates a child item by full item name.
IWiaDrvItem::FindItemByName Locates an item by full item name.
IWiaDrvItem::GetDeviceSpecContext Retrieves a pointer to a device-specific context.
IWiaDrvItem::GetFirstChildItem Returns the first child of this folder item.
IWiaDrvItem::GetFullItemName Retrieves full item name and hierarchy information.
IWiaDrvItem::GetItemFlags Returns WIA item flags.
IWiaDrvItem::GetItemName Retrieves the item name.
IWiaDrvItem::GetNextSiblingItem Finds the next sibling of this item.
IWiaDrvItem::GetParentItem Retrieves the parent item of this item.
IWiaDrvItem::RemoveItemFromFolder Removes an item from parent folder.
IWiaDrvItem::UnlinkItemTree Unlinks the driver item tree.