

Indicator implementation

This topic describes indicator implementation.

Because sensor placement and related logic is system-specific, it is important to update the mode when the system is performing any related power transitions, such as the following:

  • Coming out of connected standby
  • Coming out of sleep or hibernate
  • After boot

This enforces the correct state and ensures a refresh to the user interface layer.

Laptop/Slate mode - implementation for convertibles

Figure 1 Convertible Implementation Options shows the options for implementing GPIO indicators on a convertible system.

convertible implementation options.

Figure 1 Convertible Implementation Options

Laptop/Slate mode - implementation for laptops

Figure 2 Laptop Implementation Options shows the options for implementing GPIO indicators on a laptop system.

laptop implementation options.

Figure 2 Laptop Implementation Options

The ConvertibleSlateMode Unattended Windows Setup setting allows OEMs to statically flag clamshells to laptop mode as an image customization without implementing the injection mechanism.

This feature targets touchscreen systems that have a permanently attached keyboard (which the user can use at any time). The example that is provided here is the touchscreen clamshell that has no GPIO indicators/ injection available.

This setting must be applied as part of the specialized configuration passes and can be applied to all Windows client operating systems. See [Identifying Unattend Setting Passes](https://sharepoint/sites/cba/Wiki Pages/Identifying Unattend Setting Passes.aspx) for more information.

See for code samples.


  • Loading the GPIO button driver overrides the value that is introduced with the unattend setting.
  • The injection mechanism can be used with Windows 8.1 systems.
  • The ConvertibleSlateMode unattend setting does not affect Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 upgrade scenarios.
  • If the ConvertibleSlateMode unattend setting is not present and the GPIO indicators are not implemented, the system defaults to slate mode.
  • The ConvertibleSlateMode unattend setting is not available for Windows Server operating systems.